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Complete description of the selected organ
Harlingen, Nederland (Fryslân) - Sint Michaëlskerk
Municipal: Harlingen
Address: Zuiderhaven 77, 8861 CM, Harlingen
Website: https://heiligejacobusparochie.nl/

Description nr.: 1011029.

Built by: Gebroeders Adema (1868)
Sold (1881)

  • In 1868 the Adema Brothers built a new organ for the Sint Michaëlskerk in Harlingen. It had one manual and attached pedal. It was dedicated on December 28, 1868. On this occasion it was played by Mr. Hoff, organist in Franeker.
  • When the organ was built, there were already plans for the construction of a new and larger church. The organ was initially to be used as the basis for a larger instrument, but it was sold via Adema to a priest in Manchester, England, in 1881. However, it can no longer be traced here.

Technical data
Number of stops per division
- Manuaal8 (7)
- Pedaalaangehangen
Total number of stops8 (7)
Key actionMechanical
Stop actionMechanical
Windchest(s)Slider chests

Manuaal (C-f'''): Prestant 8', Bourdon 8', Viola 8', Octaaf 4', Roerfluit 4', Quintfluit 3', Octaaf 2', Trompet 8' - gereserveerd.
Pedaal (C-c'): Aangehangen.
Accessories: Forto, Ventiel.

Literature Orgels in de Sint Michaëlskerk te Harlingen / Victor Timmer. - In: Friese Orgelkrant 2007.