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Complete description of the selected organ
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde. Date: 9 September 2014.

Photo: Michiel van 't Einde

't Veld, Nederland (Noord-Holland) - Sint Martinuskerk
Municipal: Hollands Kroon
Address: Rijdersstraat 107-109, 1735 GC, 't Veld
Website: http://www.martinusweb.nl/

Description nr.: 1005347.

Built by: L. Ypma & Co. (1871)

1871 L. Ypma & Co.  new organ
1926 firma Jos H. Vermeulen  restoration
1983 firma Jos H. Vermeulen  restoration
2009 Pels & Van Leeuwen  restoration and enlargement

  • The organ in the Martinuskerk in 't Veld was built in the years 1870-1871 by the company Ypma. It was inaugurated on 12 December 1871.
  • In 1926 Jos H. Vermeulen converted it to a pneumatic action. The stop list was also changed drastically: the Quint, the Cornet, the Mixture and the Octaaf 2' were removed. The old Trumpet and Dulciaan were replaced by a new Trumpet and an Oboe 8'. The Bourdon 16' was made separately playable on the pedal as a transmission.
  • In 1976, a new restoration was necessary. Funds to restore the original condition were lacking, so that only a technical revision could be carried out. This work was again carried out by the Vermeulen company from Alkmaar, advised by Hans van der Harst. On 6 May 1984, the organ was put back into use with a concert by Jan Raas.
  • In 2008-2009 Pels & Van Leeuwen carried out a new restoration. The four registers that were removed in 1926 were reconstructed by them, and the pedal was expanded with three independent stops. On 6 September 2009 the organ was put back into use. During the celebration it was played by Ton Janssen, in collaboration with the mixed choir Sint Caecilia.

Technical data
Number of stops per division
- Hoofdwerk11
- Nevenwerk7
- Pedaal3
Total number of stops21
Key actionPneumatic
Stop actionPneumatic
Windchest(s)Cone chests

Hoofdwerk (C-f'''): Bourdon 16', Prestant 8', Salicionaal 8', Holpijp 8', Octaaf 4', Fluit 4', Quint 3' - 2009, Octaaf 2' - 2009, Cornet IV sterk - 2009, Mixtuur II-III-IV sterk - 2009, Trompet 8' - 1926.
Nevenwerk (C-f'''): Prestant 8' - 2009, Viola di Gamba 8' - 1871/1926, Bourdon 8', Salicet 4' - 2009, Roerfluit 4', Speelfluit 2', Basson-Hobo 8' - 1926.
Pedaal (C-d'): Subbas 16' - 2009, Bourdon 8' - 2009, Open Fluit 4' - 2009.
Couplers: Manuaalkoppel, Pedaal - Hoofdwerk, Pedaal - Nevenwerk, Superoctaafkoppel Hoofdwerk, Suboctaafkoppel Manuaal I - Manuaal II.
Accessories: Tremulant, 4 vaste combinaties (p - mf - f - tutti), Automatisch Pianopedaal.

Other specifications
Different specifications
  • The originel specification was:
    Hoofdwerk: Bourdon 16', Prestant 8', Holpijp 8', Salicionaal 8', Octaaf 4', Fluit 4', Quint 2 2/3', Octaaf 2', Cornet IV sterk, Mixtuur II-III-IV sterk, Trompet 8'.
    Nevenwerk: Bourdon 8', Prestant 8', Viola di Gamba 8', Salicet 4', Roerfluit 4', Speelfluit 2', Dulciaan 8'.
    Pedaal: Aangehangen.
    Koppelingen: Manuaalkoppel.

  • From 1926 until 2008, the stop list was:
    Hoofdwerk (C-f'''): Bourdon 16', Prestant 8', Holpijp 8', Violon 8', Octaaf 4', Fluit 4', Trompet 8' - 1926.
    Nevenwerk (C-f'''): Bourdon 8', Salicionaal 8' - C-H gecombineerd met Bourdon, Viola di Gamba 8' - 1871/1926, Voix Céleste 8' - 1926, Roerfluit 4', Speelfluit 2', Hobo 8' - 1926.
    Pedaal (C-d'): Bourdon 16' - 1926 (transmission).
    Koppelingen: Manuaalkoppel, Pedaal - Hoofdwerk, Pedaal - Nevenwerk, Superoctaafkoppel Hoofdwerk, Suboctaafkoppel Manuaal I - Manuaal II.
    Speelhulpen: Tremulant, 4 vaste combinaties (p - mf - f - tutti), Automatisch Pianopedaal.

  • Orgelbouwnieuws : Het orgel in de Sint Martinuskerk te 't Veld / Hans van der Harst. - In: De Orgelvriend, jrg. 26 nr. 10, oktober 1984.
  • Kroniek : 6 mei 1984. - In: De Mixtuur, nr. 49, maart 1985.
  • Orgels in Noord-Holland : Historie, bouw en gebruik van de Noordhollandse kerkorgels / Jan Jongepier, Hans van Nieuwkoop, Willem Poot. - Schoorl : Uitgeverij Pirola, 1996.
  • Het historische orgel in Nederland 1865 - 1872 / Teus den Toom (eindred.). - Amsterdam : Stichting NIvO, 2004. - (Encyclopedie Het Historische Orgel in Nederland ; 9).
Links https://www.dorpsraadveldzijdewind.nl/html/martinusweb/html/orgel.htm

Photo: Michiel van 't Einde. Date: 9 September 2014.
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde. Date: 9 September 2014.
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde. Date: 9 September 2014.
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde. Date: 9 September 2014.
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde
Photo: Marcel Pelt. Date: 3 August 2024.
Photo: Marcel Pelt
Photo: Marcel Pelt. Date: 3 August 2024.
Photo: Marcel Pelt
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde. Date: 9 September 2014.
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde. Date: 9 September 2014.
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde