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Complete description of the selected organ
Situatie in Heerlen. Photo: Piet Bron. Date: 10 November 2009.

Photo: Piet Bron

Ubachsberg, Nederland (Limburg (Nederlands)) - Kerk van de Heilige Bernardus
Municipal: Voerendaal
Address: Kerkstraat 30, 6367 JE, Ubachsberg

Description nr.: 1001775.

Built by: Gebrüder Müller (1887)

1887 Gebrüder Müller  new organ
1986 firma Reijnen  maintenance/reparations
2009 firma Reijnen  transfer/relocate
2018 firma Reijnen  transfer/relocate

  • The Müller organ of the Saint Bernardus Church in Ubachsberg was dedicated on August 20, 1887. However, it was replaced in 1986 by a new organ. The Reijnen company from Roermond took the old instrument, restored it and placed it in the company shop. The organ has a second keyboard, all of which are transmissions from the first manual. In 2009 the organ was restored by the Reijnen company and installed on the chancel of the Bernardinus Chapel, Akerstraat in Heerlen. The Gamba 8' had been replaced by a Roerfluit 4'.
  • The organ was dismantled at the end of 2017 and after restoration it was re-installed at the beginning of 2018 in Ubachsberg. The transfer was carried out by the Reijnen company.

Short list of all locations the organ has been
1887UbachsbergKerk van de Heilige Bernardus
1986RoermondFirma Reijnen
2018UbachsbergKerk van de Heilige Bernardus

Technical data
Number of stops per division
- Manual I8
- Manual II3 (0)
- Pedalaangehangen
Total number of stops11 (8)
Key actionMechanical
Stop actionMechanical
Windchest(s)Slider chests
TemperamentEqual temperament

Manual I (C-f'''): Principal 8', Hohlflaut 8' (B/D), Fernflaut 8' (discant), Octave 4', Roerfluit 4', Quinte 2 2/3', Waldflöte 2', Trompete 8' (B/D).
Manual II (C-f'''): Hohlflaut 8' (B/D), Fernflaut 8' (discant), Roerfluit 4'.
Pedal (C-d'): Aangehangen.

  • Het historische orgel in Nederland supplement / Peter van Dijk, Rogér van Dijk, Hans Fidom , Hans Steketee (eindred.). - Amsterdam : Stichting NIvO, 2010. - (Encyclopedie Het Historische Orgel in Nederland ; 15).
  • Het orgelmakersgeslacht Müller te Reifferscheid : Die Orgelbauerfamilie Müller zu Reifferscheid / Frans Jespers. - Baexem : Samenwerkende Orgelvrienden Limburg, 2011.
  • De verloren zoon is terug : Het orgel uit 1887 is na ruim 30 jaar terug in de kerk van Ubachsberg / Ruben van Erp. - In: Dagblad De Limburger, vrijdag 19 januari 2018.

Situatie in Heerlen. Photo: Piet Bron. Date: 10 November 2009.
Photo: Piet Bron
Situatie in Heerlen. Photo: Piet Bron. Date: 10 November 2009.
Photo: Piet Bron
Situatie in Heerlen. Photo: Piet Bron. Date: 10 November 2009.
Photo: Piet Bron
Situatie in Heerlen. Photo: Piet Bron. Date: 10 November 2009.
Photo: Piet Bron
Situatie in Heerlen. Photo: Piet Bron. Date: 10 November 2009.
Photo: Piet Bron
Situatie in Heerlen. Photo: Piet Bron. Date: 10 November 2009.
Photo: Piet Bron
Situatie in Heerlen. Photo: Piet Bron. Date: 10 November 2009.
Photo: Piet Bron
Situatie in Heerlen. Photo: Piet Bron. Date: 10 November 2009.
Photo: Piet Bron