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Complete description of the selected organ
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde. Date: 1 August 2013.

Photo: Michiel van 't Einde

Noorbeek, Nederland (Limburg (Nederlands)) - Kerk van de Heilige Brigida
Municipal: Eijsden-Margraten
Address: Pley 8, 6255 AE, Noorbeek
Website: http://www.parochiesintbrigidanoorbeek.nl/

Description nr.: 1001106.

Built by: Wilhelm Koulen (1852)

1852 Wilhelm Koulen  new organ
1914 Gebroeders Franssen  restoration
1971 Verschueren Orgelbouw  restoration
2022 Verschueren Orgelbouw  reconstruction

  • The organ of the Sint Brigidakerk in Noorbeek was built by the German organ maker Wilhelm Koulen, and it is one of the few surviving organs of this builder. The organ case is older, and is probably the case of the previous organ of the church. This certainly dates from the eighteenth century and was built by Binvignat. In the course of time nothing has actually changed, so that the instrument is still completely in its original condition. The contract from 1851 stipulated that one slide on the main work and two on the positive had to be reserved. Already during construction it was decided to fill these places, and also to construct an independent pedal.
  • In 1914 the organ was restored by the company Franssen from Roermond. Tuning rolls made by them can still be found in the smallest pipes. In 1970/1971 the organ was completely restored by Verschueren from Heythuisen. They added a Nasard to the Positive. Consultants during the work were Hans van der Harst and Jean Wolfs. A major cleaning was necessary in 1997, when it was also found that the organ case had been affected by woodworm.
  • On February 3rd, 2021, a fire broke out, that started in the sacristy. The choir of the church was severely damaged, as was the altar. Although the organ could be saved, it is also damaged by water and soot, and the prospect pipes have been melted due to the heat. A complete restoration of the instrument was necessary. This was carried out by Verschueren Orgelbouw. On November 6, 2022, the organ was reopened with a concert by Sjef Streukens and Marcel Verheggen.

Technical data
Number of stops per division
- Groot Manuaal10
- Positief8
- Pedaal1
Total number of stops19
Key actionMechanical
Stop actionMechanical
Windchest(s)Slider chests
Pitcha' = 451 Hz
TemperamentEqual temperament
Wind pressure74 mm

Groot Manuaal (C-g'''): Bourdon 16' (B/D), Prestant 8', Gamba 8' (B/D), Holpijp 8' (B/D), Octave 4', Gemshorn 4' - 1971, Superoctave 2', Cornet III sterk (2 2/3') (discant), Mixtuur III-IV-III sterk (2'), Trompette 8' (B/D).
Positief (C-g'''): Holpijp 8' (B/D), Fernflaut 8' (discant), Salicionaal 4', Fluit 4', Nasard 2 2/3' - 1971, Waldflaut 2' - 1971, Oboe 8' (from gis°), Euphone 8' (B/D).
Pedaal (C-b°): Tuba 16'.
Couplers: Manuaalkoppel, Pedaal - Groot Manuaal.

Compound stopComposition
Cornet III sterk discant (Groot Manuaal) c': 2 2/3' - 2' - 1 3/5'.
Mixtuur III-IV-III sterk (Groot Manuaal) C: 2' - 1 1/3' - 1'. c°: 2 2/3' - 2' - 1 1/3' - 1'. c': 4' - 2 2/3' - 2' - 1 1/3'. c'': 5 1/3' - 4' - 2 2/3' - 2'. b'': 5 1/3' - 4' - 2 2/3'.
  • Noorbeek, R.K. H. Brigida-kerk. - In: Orgelnieuws fa. L. Verschueren c.v., maart 1971.
  • Het orgel in de Sint Brigidakerk te Noorbeek / Hans van der Harst. - In: Het Orgel, jrg. 67 nr. 3, maart 1971.
  • Orgelinhuldigingen : Nederland. - In: De Praestant, jrg. 20 nr. 2, april 1971.
  • Orgelbouwnieuws / Wim van der Ros. - In: De Orgelvriend, jrg. 13 nr. 11, november 1971. - Overgenomen uit het blad Orgelnieuws van de firma Verschueren. (Dit artikel is nogmaals gepubliceerd in: De Orgelvriend, jrg. 16 nr. 3, maart 1974).
  • Kerkorgels in Limburg / G.M.I. Quaedvlieg. - Maastricht: Provinciaal Comité Limburg Monumentenjaar, 1975.
  • Orgels in Limburg / G.M.I. Quaedvlieg. - Zutphen: De Walburg Pers, 1982.
  • Orgelconcerten Noorbeek 1992 : Zes orgelconcerten 9 juli - 16 augustus. - Margraten : Stichting Orgelconcerten Noorbeek, 1992. - Folder over de concertserie.
  • Bij de omslag : Noordbeek, H. Brigidakerk. - In: De Orgelvriend, jrg. 38 nr. 6, juni 1996.
  • Programma Orgelfestival 98. - Urmond : Stichting Samenwerkende Orgelvrienden Limburg, 1998.
  • Het historische orgel in Nederland 1850 - 1858 / Peter van Dijk (eindred.). - Amsterdam : Stichting NIvO, 2002. - (Encyclopedie Het Historische Orgel in Nederland ; 7).
  • Orgellandschaft zwischen Maas und Rhein / Erik van der Heijden. - Mettlach : Gesellschaft der Orgelfreunde, 2005. - (Veröffentlichung der Gesellschaft der Orgelfreunde ; 189).
  • St. Brigidakerk Noordbeek : Het Wilhelm Koulen orgel / Sjef Streukens, Bert Melchiors, Marcel Verheggen [et al...]. - Noorbeek ; Stichting Orgelconcerten Noorbeek, 2011.
  • Uit de orgelwereld : Koulen-orgel Sint-Brigidakerk Noorbeek zwaar beschadigd bij brand / Gerco Schaap [red.]. - In: De Orgelvriend, jrg. 63 nr. 2, maart 2021.
  • Kerkorgel Noorbeek wordt met speciaal concert weer in gebruik genomen / Jeroen Geerts. - In: De Limburger, zaterdag 29 oktober 2022.
  • Uit de orgelwereld : Orgel Noorbeek gerestaureerd / Joost van Beek [red.]. - In: De Orgelvriend, jrg. 64, nr. 10, december 2022.
  • Koulen-orgel in Noorbeek schittert weer na restauratie / Wim van der Ros. - In: De Orgelvriend, jrg. 65 nr. 1, januari/februari 2023.
Recordings Historische orgels in Limburg / Diverse organisten. - TSJ 9503/04/05 (3-CD's). - 1995. - Opgenomen op verschillende historische orgels in Limburg.
Links https://www.verschuerenorgelbouw.nl/projecten?projectid=31

Photo: Michiel van 't Einde. Date: 1 August 2013.
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde. Date: 1 August 2013.
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde. Date: 31 July 2015.
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde. Date: 31 July 2015.
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde. Date: 31 July 2015.
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde. Date: 31 July 2015.
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde. Date: 1 August 2013.
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde. Date: 1 August 2013.
Photo: Michiel van 't Einde