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Santander, España (Cantabria) - Catedral
Commune: Santander
Adresse: Calle Somorrostro, 39002, Santander
Site Web: http://www.diocesisdesantander.com/

Description no.: 2066495.

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The organ of the Cathedral in Santander was rebuilt in 2008. A number of pipes from the Ott organ of the Stephani-Kirche in Bamberg was used. This organ was sold to Kraków, except for the Oberwerk, that was sold to Santander. Only the Sesquialter of this work was installed in Kraków.

Références Königin der Vielfalt : Gegenwart und Geschichte der Bamberger Orgeln / Ulrich Theißen. - Sankt Ottilien : EOS Verlag, 2011.