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Description complète d'orgue sélectionné
Photo: © Gérard van Betlehem. Datation: October 2016.

Photo: © Gérard van Betlehem

Coimbra, Portugal (Coimbra) - Igreja de Santa Cruz
Commune: Coimbra
Adresse: Praça 8 de Maio, 3001-300, Coimbra
Site Web: https://igrejascruz.webnode.pt/

Description no.: 2042241.

Bâti par: Francisco Lorete (1532)

1530 Heitor Lobo  orgue neuf
1532 Francisco Lorete  activités différentes
1610 Manuel Guerra de Pombeiro  restauration et expansion
1695 Michael Hensberg  conversion
1724 Manuel Benito Gomez  conversion
1866 Luís António Carvalho  restauration
1950 João Sampaio  restauration
2008 Beate von Rohden  restauration
2008 Pedro Guimarães  restauration

  • In 1530 Heitor Lobo built an organ for the chapel of the Mosteiro de Santa Cruz in Coimbra. Francisco Lorete made a beautiful case for this instrument in 1532. The organ was overhauled by Manuel Guerra de Pombeiro in 1610 and expanded with a Cornet. In 1695, Michael Hensberg carried out a restoration.
  • The actual situation dates from 1724, after a reconstruction by Manuel Benito Gomez. The organ has only one keyboard and no pedal, but there are three divisions. It has been preserved in this form. In 1880 Antonio de Carvalho carried out an overhaul, in 1950 João Sampaio. The instrument is in perfect condition since the last restoration in 2008 by Pedro Guimarães et Beate by Rodhen.

Données techniques
Nombre de registres par manuel
- Órgão Principal17
- Órgão Eco10
- Órgão Positivo4
Nombre de jeux total31
Transmission des clésMechanical
Transmission des jeuxMechanical
Sommier(s)Slider chests

Órgão Principal (CEDFGA-c''', division entre b°/c'): Flautado 16', Flautado Mayor 8' (B/D), Flauta 4' (discant), Flautado Tapado 4', Outava Magna 4', Super Outava Clara 2', Quinta 2 2/3' (bas), Quinta 2' (discant), Sesquialtera 5 rangs (discant), Corneta Real 8 rangs (discant), Mixtura Imperial 6 rangs (B/D), Requinta 3 rangs (discant), Clarãozinho 7 rangs (discant), Trompete Marinhe 8' (discant) - en chamade, Trompete de Batalha 8' (bas) - en chamade, Clarin 8' (discant), Cornetão 8' (bas), Dulçaina 8' (discant), Oboe 8' (discant), Oboazes 4' (bas), Claron Filas 4' (bas).
Órgão Eco (CEDFGA-c''', division entre b°/c'): Flautado 8' (B/D), Flauta 8' (discant), Flautado Violão 8' (bas), Octava Clara 4' (B/D), Quinta Mista 2 2/3' (discant), Quinzena Clara 2' (bas), Dezanovena 2 rangs (discant), Cimbala 3 rangs (B/D), Sobrecimbala 4 rangs (B/D), Eco de Claréao 2 rangs (discant), Trõmpeta Magna 16' (discant) - en chamade, Clarin 8' (discant), Trõmpeta Bastarda 8' (bas) - en chamade, Sacabucha 8' (bas).
Órgão Positivo (CEDFGA-c''', division entre b°/c'): Flautado 8' (B/D), Flautado 4' (discant), Quinzena do Cheio 2' (bas), Cheio 2-3 rangs (B/D), Pifano 2 rangs (B/D).

Références Baroque Organ-Cases of Portugal / Carlos de Azevedo. - [S.l.] : Frits Knuf, 1972.
Lièns https://pipeorgantaxonomy.wordpress.com/2015/03/06/manuel-benito-gomez-igreja-de-santa-cruz-coimbra-portugal/
Autres sources
  • Jean-Alain RIpoche

Photo: © Gérard van Betlehem. Datation: October 2016.
Photo: © Gérard van Betlehem
Photo: Marianne Smit. Datation: 10 April 2013.
Photo: Marianne Smit
Photo: Marianne Smit. Datation: 10 April 2013.
Photo: Marianne Smit
Photo: Marianne Smit. Datation: 10 April 2013.
Photo: Marianne Smit