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Description complète d'orgue sélectionné
Photo: Ad Fahner. Datation: October 2019.

Photo: Ad Fahner

Leeuwarden, Nederland (Fryslân) - Uitzicht (voormalige Sint Franciscus van Assisikerk)
Commune: Leeuwarden
Adresse: Archipelweg 222, 8924 GS, Leeuwarden

Description no.: 1006101.

Bâti par: firma Jos H. Vermeulen (1964)

  • The Roman Catholic church of Saint Francisus of Assisi was built in Leeuwarden in the years 1958-1963. The architect was H.J. van Wissen. Dr. P.J. de Bruyn was a consultant on behalf of the KKOR for the construction of this organ. It was dedicated on January 12, 1964. The organ has a split between bass and discant between fis' and g'. The Mixtuur and the Sexquialter were placed later.
  • The church was closed after a last service on May 9, 2004. Since this time it is in use by the congregation called 'Uitzichtgemeente', and the church is renamed to 'Uitzicht'. The organ is still in the church, but is never used anymore.

Données techniques
Nombre de registres par manuel
- Manuaal8
- Pedaal2
Nombre de jeux total10
Transmission des clésElectrical
Transmission des jeuxElectrical

Manuaal (C-g''', division entre fis'/g'): Tolkaan 8' (B/D), Bourdon 8' (B/D), Prestant 4' (B/D), Roerfluit 4' (B/D), Kwint 2 2/3' (Discant), Flageolet 2' (B/D), Sesquialter II sterk, Mixtuur III sterk.
Pedaal (C-f'): Subbas 16', Gedekt 8'.
Accouplements: Pedaal + Manuaal.

  • Uit de orgelbouwwereld. - In: Het Orgelblad, jrg. 7 nr. 2, februari 1964.
  • Leeuwarden musiceert : Leeuwarder muziekleven 1940-1985 / Th.P.A. Lambooy. - Drachten ; Leeuwarden : A.J. Osinga Uitgeverij, 1986.

Photo: Ad Fahner. Datation: October 2019.
Photo: Ad Fahner
Photo: Ad Fahner. Datation: October 2019.
Photo: Ad Fahner
Photo: Ad Fahner. Datation: October 2019.
Photo: Ad Fahner
Photo: Ad Fahner. Datation: October 2019.
Photo: Ad Fahner