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Liste des orgues trouvés

8 orgues se sont avérés assortir vos états de recherche.
Le nombre des orgues exposées est 8.
Signification des lettres deuxième colonne: d=disposition, p=photo, a=ancien emplacement.

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Numéro VilleBâtimentFacteur
2015523 dArmaghCathedral Church of Saint Patrick (Church of Ireland)Walker & Sons, J.W. (1840)IV/P/56 (49)
2015574 dArmaghFirst Presbyterian ChurchConacher & Co., Peter (1905)II/P/23
2015575 dArmaghMall Presbyterian ChurchAbbott & Smith (1935)II/P/20 (19)
2004773 dArmaghRoman Catholic Cathedral of Saint PatrickTelford, William (1875)IV/P/55 (49)
2004035 dArmaghSaint Malachy's Roman Catholic ChurchWells-Kennedy Partnership (1985)II/P/10
2015553 KilmoreKilmore Parish ChurchWells-Kennedy Partnership (2000) 
2003849 dNewtonhamiltonSaint John's ChurchWalcker & Cie., E.F.I/6
2015559 PortadownFirst Presbyterian ChurchWells-Kennedy Partnership (2003)