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Lund, Sverige (Skåne län) - Sankt Laurentii Kyrka (Laurentiistiftelsen)
Commune: Lunds Kommun
Adresse: Kastanjegatan 19E, 224 56, Lund
Site Web: https://www.laurentiistiftelsen.se/

Description no.: 2079297.

Bâti par: Builder unknown (ca. 1890)

ca. 1890 Builder unknown  orgue neuf
2000 Volunteers  transfer
2015 Åkerman & Lund  restauration

  • Sankt Laurentii Kyrka in Lund was dedicated in 1970. It's a student church. An organ was installed by Mårtenssons Orgelfabrik. In 2000 this was replaced by an old English organ. It was installed by the organists Mattias Wager and Anders Johnsson, together with students from the Laurentiistiftelsen. It is a three-manual organ with thirteen stops. It was built around 1890, but contains parts of two older organs from the early and mid-nineteenth century. In 2015 the organ was renovated by Åkerman & Lund.
  • The Mårtensson organ was sold to the Roman Catholic parish in Helsingborg.

Données techniques
Nombre de registres par manuel
- Great Organ4
- Choir Organ3
- Swell Organ5
- Pedal Organ1
Nombre de jeux total13
Transmission des clésMechanical
Transmission des jeuxMechanical
Sommier(s)Slider chests

Great Organ: Open Diapason 8', Clarabella 8', Principal 4', Fifteenth 2'.
Choir Organ: Dulciana 8', Lieblich Flute 4', Clarinette 8'.
Swell Organ: Open Diapason 8', Lieblich Gedact 8', Echogamba 8', Gemshorn 4', Oboe 8'.
Pedal Organ: Bourdon 16'.
Accouplements: Swell to Great, Swell Octave to Great, Great to Pedal, Choir to Pedal, Swell to Pedal.

Lièns https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sankt_Laurentii_kyrka,_Lund#Orglar