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Description complète d'orgue sélectionné
Wausau, USA (Wisconsin) - First Presbyterian Church
Commune: Wausau
Région:Marathon County
Adresse: 406 Grant Street, 54403, Wausau, WI
Site Web: https://www.firstpreswausau.org/

Description no.: 2079185.

Bâti par: Schlicker Organ Company (1994)
L'orgue comprend le parent le matériel: Pipes de 1927 de Austin Organ Company Inc.

1927 Austin Organ Company Inc.1572 orgue neuf
1994 Schlicker Organ Company  orgue neuf

Données techniques
Nombre de registres par manuel
- Great Organ8
- Choir Organ11
- Swell Organ15 (13)
- Pedal Organ13 (6)
Nombre de jeux total47 (38)
Transmission des clésElectrical
Transmission des jeuxElectrical

Great Organ (C-c''''): Gemshorn 16' - 1927, Principal 8', Gedeckt 8', Octave 4', Spire Flute 4', Octave 2', Mixture 4 ranks, Trumpet 8', Chimes - 1927.
Choir Organ (C-c''''): Geigen Principal 8' (c° c''''), Gedeckt 8', Harmonic Flute 8', Flute Celeste 2 ranks (8') - 1927; 2 ranks from c°, Rohr Flute 4', Nachthorn 4', Principal 2' - 1927, Sesquialtera 2 ranks, Scharf 3 ranks - 1927, Clarinet 8' - 1927, Festival Trumpet 8', Tremolo.
Swell Organ (C-c''''): Bourdon 16' - 1927, Rohr Flute 8', Salicional 8', Celeste 8' (c°-c'''') - 1927, Principal 4' - 1927, Koppel Flute 4', Nasat 2 2/3' - 1927, Block Flute 2', Terz 1 3/5' - 1927, Larigot 1 1/3' - 1927, Scharf 4 ranks, Basson 16' - extension, Trompette 8', Oboe 8' - 1927, Clarion 4' - extension, Tremolo.
Pedal Organ (C-g'): Double Open 16' - 1927, Subbass 16' - 1927, Gemshorn 16' - from Great, Bourdon 16' - from Swell, Octave 8', Flute 8' - 1927; extension, Gemshorn 8' - 1927; extension, Octave 4', Mixture 4 ranks - 1927, Trombone 16', Bassoon 16' - from Swell, Trumpet 8' - extension, Oboe 4' - from Swell.
Autres: Zimbelstern - 2009.
Accouplements: Choir to Great, Choir to Great 4', Swell to Great, Swell to Great 16', Swell to Great 4', Swell to Choir, Great to Pedal, Choir to Pedal, Swell to Pedal, Great to Great 4', Swell to Swell 16', Swell to Swell 4', Swell Unison Off.
Jouer conseils: 8 Memory Levels Combination Action, 5 Thumb Pistons to Great, 5 Thumb Pistons to Choir, 5 Thumb Pistons to Swell, 4 Toe Studs to Pedal, 4 General Thumb Pistons, 4 General Toe Studs.