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Description complète d'orgue sélectionné
Niederlana, Italia (Bozen) - Katholische Pfarrkirche Mariä Himmelfahrt
Commune: Lana
Région:Trentino-Alto Adige
Adresse: Pfarrplatz 5, 39011, Niederlana

Description no.: 2079074.

Bâti par: Simon Hayl (1637)
Demolished (1875)

1637 Simon Hayl  orgue neuf
ca. 1645? Anton Amperg  activités différentes
1734 Franz Ehinger  restauration
1847 Franz Seibler  restauration et expansion

  • In the years 1635-1637 Simon Hayl built an organ for the parish church of Niederlana. The organ case was fitted with doors, which were painted by Michael Prantl from Merano. A few years after construction, Anton Amperg installed a tremulant. Franz Ehinger carried out a renovation in 1734. In 1847 the organ was restored by Franz Seibler and expanded with two new registers. The instrument was replaced in 1875 by a completely new organ, built by Joseph Aigner. Some wooden pipes were taken over by him, but these are not from Hayl's time.
  • What is special is that the paintings of the doors of the Hauptwerk have been preserved. The disposition of the instrument is unknown.

  • Orgellandschaft Südtirol / Alfred Reichling ; Istvan Golarits. - Bozen : Verlagsanstalt Athesia, 1982. - (90. Veröffentlichung der Gesellschaft der Orgelfreunde).
  • De beschilderde orgelluiken in Europa : Een erfgoed van grote schoonheid met een rijke historie en van onvervangbare waarde. - Rotterdam : Stichting Organa Historica, 2001.