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Ausführliche Beschreibung der vorgewählten Orgel
Meran, Italia (Bozen) - Spitalkirche zum Heiligen Geist
Gemeinde: Meran
Region:Trentino-Alto Adige
Adresse: Via Roma 1, 39012, Meran
Website: http://www.stadtpfarre-meran.it/

Beschreibung nr.: 2079004.

Gebaut von: Bartlme Lenntzl (1516)
Demolished (1868)

1516 Bartlme Lenntzl  Neubau
1690 Johann Caspar Humpel  Umbau

Bartlme Lenntzl built an organ for the Spitalkirche in Meran in 1515-1516. It was placed like a swallow's nest in the south transept. The instrument was rebuilt in 1689-1690 by Johann Caspar Humpel. It was demolished in 1868 and replaced by a new organ by Josef Aigner. The doors of the Lenntzl organ have been preserved. These are exhibited as paintings in the church. It is assumed that Wolfgang Lobeysen created the paintings.

  • Orgellandschaft Südtirol / Alfred Reichling ; Istvan Golarits. - Bozen : Verlagsanstalt Athesia, 1982. - (90. Veröffentlichung der Gesellschaft der Orgelfreunde).
  • De beschilderde orgelluiken in Europa : Een erfgoed van grote schoonheid met een rijke historie en van onvervangbare waarde. - Rotterdam : Stichting Organa Historica, 2001.
Weblinks https://orgeln.musikland-tirol.at/st/bu/meran-fluegel.html