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Description complète d'orgue sélectionné
Västerås Lundby, Sverige (Västmanlands län) - Västerås Lundby Kyrka
Commune: Västerås Kommun
Adresse: Lundby Kyrka 1, 725 91, Västerås Lundby

Description no.: 2078828.

Bâti par: Åkerman & Lund (1890)
Replaced (1969)

1890 Åkerman & Lund  orgue neuf
1944 Åkerman & Lund  expansion

  • In 1890 Åkerman & Lund built a new organ for Lundby Kyrka near Västerås. The front was designed by Ludvig Peterson. The organ had five stops. The organ was installed on a gallery. In 1944 it was expanded by the same company with a second manual and an independent pedal. It then had twelve registers. The organ case was widened and raised to accommodate the new pipework, and a separate case was placed next to it. The old gallery has been replaced by a much larger new gallery. The new console was placed free-standing in front of the organ, facing the church.
  • The organ was demolished in 1969 and replaced by a completely new organ by Marcussen & Søn.

Données techniques
Nombre de registres par manuel
- Huvudverk5
- Svällverk5
- Pedal2
Nombre de jeux total12
Transmission des clésPneumatic
Transmission des jeuxPneumatic
Sommier(s)Slider chest (Manual I), Roosevelt chest (Manual II)

Huvudverk (C-g'''): Principal 8', Gedackt 8', Oktava 4', Kvinta 2 2/3', Mixtur 3 chor.
Svällverk (C-g'''): Salicional 8' - 1944, Rörflöjt 8' - 1944, Gemshorn 4' - 1944, Blockflöjt 2' - 1944, Sesquialtera 2 chor - 1944.
Pedal (C-f'): Subbas 16', Koralbas 4' - 1944.
Accouplements: Manual I - Manual II, Manual I - Manual II 16', Pedal - Manual I, Pedal - Manual II, Manual I - Manual I 4', Manual II - Manual II 16'.
Jouer conseils: 2 fria Kombinationer, 2 fasta Kombinationer.

Références Sveriges kyrkorglar / Sten L. Carlsson. - Lund : Håkan Ohlssons, 1973.