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Ausführliche Beschreibung der vorgewählten Orgel
Skara, Sverige (Västra Götalands län) - Domkyrka
Gemeinde: Skara Kommun
Adresse: Järnvägsgatan 1, 532 30, Skara
Website: https://www.skarapastorat.se/

Beschreibung nr.: 2078328.

Gebaut von: Johan Niclas Cahman und Johan Åhrman (1704)
Demolished (1886)

1699 Hans Hendrik Cahman  Neubau
1700 Magnus Åhrman  Neubau
1704 Johan Niclas Cahman  Neubau
1704 Johan Åhrman  Neubau
1742 Johan Everhardt sr.  Änders der Disposition
1781 Johan Everhardt sr.  Umbau
1856 Johan Niklas Söderling  Restaurierung

  • In 1697, Hans Heinrich Cahman made a plan for a new organ for Skara Domkyrka, which was executed in collaboration with Magnus Åhrman. Both organ builders died before the organ was completed. In 1699 Cahman died, and in 1700 Åhrman. Both were replaced by their sons, Johan Niclas Cahman and Johan Åhrman. The organ was completed in 1704.
  • In 1742 the disposition of the Ryggpositiv was changed by Johan Everhardt. The Qvinta and the Scharf were replaced by a Vox Humana. In the years 1780-1781, the organ was renovated by Everhardt and expanded to 38 registers. The Ryggpositiv was removed. It has been sold to Gökhems Kyrka. The Söderling company carried out a restoration in 1855-1856. The pitch was raised one tone by them.
  • In connection with a restoration of the church building according to plans by Helgo Zettervall, the organ was demolished in 1886. In 1894, Johannus Magnusson completed a new organ with 33 stops. The old organ was demolished.

Technische Daten
Anzahl Register pro Manual
- Manual10
- Ryggpositiv6
- Pedal8
Gesamtzahl der Stimmen24
Windlade(n)Slider chests

Manual: Quintadena 16', Principal 8', Gedackt 8', Octava 4', Decima 4', Qvinta 3', Octava 2', Mixtur 4 chor, Scharf 2 chor, Trompet 8'.
Ryggpositiv: Fleut 8', Principal 4', Gedacktfleut 4', Qvinta 3', Octava 2', Scharf 3 chor.
Pedal: Gedackt 16', Principal 8', Gedackt 8', Octava 4', Qvinta 3', Scharf 4 chor, Basun 16', Trompet 8'.

  • Historisk afhandling om musik och instrumenter särdeles om orgwerks Inrättningen i Allmänhet, jemte Kort Beskrifning öfwer Orgwerken i Swerige / Abraham Abrahamsson Hülphers. - Westerås Tryckt hos Joh: Laur: Horrn, 1773.
  • Orglar i Skara domkyrka / Dag Edholm. - In: Klangrum : Orglar i Skara stift / Robin Gullbrandsson [red.]. - Skara : Skara stiftshistoriska sällskap, 2017.