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Description complète d'orgue sélectionné
Djura, Sverige (Dalarnas län) - Missionshus
Commune: Djura Kommun
Adresse: Åbrovägen 10, 785 50, Djura

Description no.: 2077630.

Bâti par: Pilt Per Olsson (1879)

1879 Pilt Per Olsson  orgue neuf
1937 Johannes Lehnberg  restauration
1990 Evert Ihlis  restauration
1990 Anders Klockar  restauration
1990 Gunnar Carlsson  restauration

In 1879 Pilt Per Olsson from Djura installed an organ in the Missionshus in his village. It is said to be a second-hand organ from a church in Stockholm. It may have been built by Gren & Stråhle, but no information about its origin can be found. The organ has five eight-foot registers. Four of these have a common bass octave. The organ originally stood in another gallery, on the left side of the church. In 1937 it was moved to a new gallery above the stage by Johannes Lehnberg from Leksand. He placed the front pipes of the Prinzipal 4' inside the organ case, and the front was equipped with wooden replica pipes. In 1990 the instrument was made playable by Evert Ihlis and Anders Klockar, in collaboration with Gunnar Carlsson.

Données techniques
Nombre de registres par manuel
- Manual8
- Pedalaangehangen
Nombre de jeux total8
Transmission des clésMechanical
Transmission des jeuxMechanical
Sommier(s)Slider chests

Manual (C-d', division entre B/c°): Prinzipal 8', Oktav Bass 8' (B), Doppelflöte 8' (D), Geigen Prinzipal 8' (D), Holzflöte 8' (D), Salizional 8' (D), Prinzipal 4', Gedackt 4', Oktava 2'.
Pedal (C-g°): Bihängd.

Références Inventarium över Svenska orglar : 1991: III Frikyrkor III : Stockholms län - Uppsala län - Västmanlands län - Kopparbergs län - Gävleborgs län - Jämtlands län - Västernorrlands lan - Västerbottens län - Norrbottens län / Tore Johansson [red.]. - Tostared : Förlag Svenska Orglar, 1991.