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Description complète d'orgue sélectionné
Langenalb, Deutschland (Baden-Württemberg) - Marienkirche (Evangelische Kirche Langenalb-Marxzell)
Commune: Straubenhardt
Adresse: Kantstraße 5, 75334, Langenalb
Site Web: https://ekilama.de/

Description no.: 2077102.

Bâti par: Christoph Ludwig Goll (1870)

1870 Christoph Ludwig Goll  orgue neuf
2023 Wolfram Stützle  reconstruction

  • In 1870 Christoph Ludwig Goll built an organ for the Marienkirche in Langenalb, built in 1860. The original organ was placed in two neo-Gothic style cases, connected by a frame and the lower case, through which the window was visible. The middle part was filled in 1917 with new pipes, because of an expansion of the instrument..
  • The instrument was replaced by a new instrument in 1974. A number of pipes were sold to church members for the organ fund. But most of the old organ was stored in the tower and in the parish center.
  • The old organ was almost forgotten when it was found during the demolition of the new organ, which was in need of a major restoration in 2016. The plans were changed, and the Goll organ was restored and relocated. Some of the pipework sold was also returned to the church. The organ was rebuilt by Wolfram Stützle. Advisor on behalf of the diocese was Michael Kaufmann. Construction in the church started in May 2021. The original situation from before 1917 has been restored, where an original design drawing by Goll could be used for the prospect.

  • 1860 - ein spannendes Jahr : Orgelrenovierung - der Stand der Dinge - In : Der Punkt, Ausgabe 02/2017 Erntedank-Advent.
  • Renovierung der Goll Orgel - beschlossene Sachse : Orgelrenovierung - der Siegerentwurf. - In : Der Punkt, Ausgabe 03/2017 Advent-Palmsonntag.
Lièns https://ekilama.de/musik-bei-uns/unsere-orgel/
YouTube Pfeifenklau in Langenalb: eine Spurensuche (2021)