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Description complète d'orgue sélectionné
Newburgh NY, USA (New York) - Union Presbyterian Church
Commune: Newburgh NY
Région:Orange County NY
Adresse: 44 Old Balmville Road, 12550, Newburgh, NY
Site Web: https://www.newburghpresby.org/

Description no.: 2076477.

Bâti par: Estey Organ Company (1929) - opus 2805
L'orgue comprend le parent le matériel: Pipes de de W.W. Kimball Company

The organ at Newburgh Union Presbyterian Church was built in 1929 by the Estey Organ Company. According to Estey's work list, it is opus 2805. Much pipework from the church's previous organ, built by the Kimball Organ Company, was re-used.

Données techniques
Nombre de registres par manuel
- Great Organ8
- Positiv Organ8
- Swell Organ12
- Pedal Organ10
Nombre de jeux total38 (28)
Transmission des clésElectropneumatic
Transmission des jeuxElectropneumatic

Great Organ (C-c''''): Principal 8', Gedeckt 8', Aeoline 8', Octave 4', Super Octave 2', Mixture 3 ranks, Trumpet 8', Clarion 4'.
Positiv Organ (C-c''''): Gemshorn 8', Holzgedeckt 8', Flute d'Amour 4', Gemshorn 4', Nassat 2 2/3', Flute 2', Terz 1 3/5', Larigot 1 1/3', Tremulant, Chimes.
Swell Organ (C-c''''): Salicional 8', Voix Celeste 8' (c°-c''''), Stopped Diapason 8', Principal 4', Salicet 4', Voix Celeste 4', Flute Harmonic 4', Nazard 2 2/3', Flute 2', Dulzian 16' (c°-c''''), Vox Humana 8', Dulzian 8', Tremulant.
Pedal Organ (C-g'): Violone 16', Bourdon 16', Gedeckt 16', Principal 8', Gedeckt 8', Quint 5 1/3', Choral Bass 4', Mixture 2 ranks, Trumpet 16', Oboe 4'.

Lièns https://chvago.org/Organs/UnionPres_Newburgh.htm