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Description complète d'orgue sélectionné
Björke, Sverige (Gotlands län) - Björke Kyrka
Commune: Region Gotland

Description no.: 2075875.

Bâti par: Eskil Lundén (1909)

The organ in Björke Kyrka was built in 1909 by Eskil Lundèn. The front was designed by Ivar Tengbom and Elis Kjellin.

Données techniques
Nombre de registres par manuel
- Manual I6
- Manual II4
- Pedal2
Nombre de jeux total12
Transmission des clésPneumatic
Transmission des jeuxPneumatic
Sommier(s)Cone chests

Manual I: Borduna 16', Principal 8', Flûte Harmonique 8', Gamba 4', Oktava 4', Euphone 8'.
Manual II: Violin Principal 8', Rörflöjt 8', Salicional 8', Violin 4'.
Pedal: Subbas 16', Violoncell 8'.
Accouplements: Manual I - Manual II, Pedal - Manual I, Pedal - Manual II, Manual I - Manual I 4'.
Jouer conseils: Crescendosvällare, 4 fasta kombinatoner (p - mf - f - ff).

Références Sveriges kyrkorglar / Sten L. Carlsson. - Lund : Håkan Ohlssons, 1973.
Lièns https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bj%C3%B6rke_kyrka#Orgel