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Ausführliche Beschreibung der vorgewählten Orgel
Kaiserslautern, Deutschland (Rheinland-Pfalz) - Lehrerseminar
Gemeinde: Kaiserslautern
Adresse: Am Rittersberg, 67657, Kaiserslautern
Website: https://www.rittersberg.de/

Beschreibung nr.: 2073796.

Gebaut von: E.F. Walcker & Cie. (1894) - Opus 660
Destroyed (1944)

  • The Walcker company built a number of organs for the Lehrerseminar in Kaiserslautern. The Schullehrer Seminar was founded in 1818 by the Kingdom of Bayern. It was located in an existing large mansion 'am Rittersberg'. The current Gymnasium am Rittersberg is the continuation of the school. In 1894 Walcker delivered two identical organs as opus 660 and opus 661. These were small instruments with four registers.
  • All organs were lost in World War II as a result of a bombing raid on the night of September 27 to 28, 1944.

Technische Daten
Anzahl Register pro Manual
- Manual3
- Pedal1
Gesamtzahl der Stimmen4
Windlade(n)Cone chests

Manual (C-f'''): Principal 8', Bourdon 8', Salicional 8'.
Pedal (C-d'): Subbaß 16'.
Koppeln: Pedalkoppel.

Literatur Die Orgeln des Kreises Kaiserslautern / Bernhard H. Bonkhoff. - In: Mitteilungen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für mittelrheinische Musikgeschichte, Nr. 67/68, 1997.