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Ausführliche Beschreibung der vorgewählten Orgel
Ängsö, Sverige (Västmanlands län) - Ängsö Kyrka
Gemeinde: Västerås Kommun
Adresse: Ängsö Kyrka 1, 725 98, Ängsö

Beschreibung nr.: 2068438.

Gebaut von: Olof Schwan (1781)

1781 Olof Schwan  Neubau
1863 Johan Adolf Lundell  Änders der Disposition
1923 Åkerman & Lund  Umbau
1955 E.A. Setterquist & Son  Verschiedene Tätigkeiten
1972 Olof Rydén  Verschiedene Tätigkeiten
1998 Robert Gustavsson  Reconstruction

  • The organ in Ängsö Kyrka was built in 1781 by Olof Schwan. It has been modified significantly over time. Johan Adolf Lundell placed a Fugara 8' in 1863 on the place of the Scharf. Åkerman & Lund renovated the organ in 1923. They altered the Quinta 3' into a Principal 4' and disconnected the original Principal 4' (in the prospect). The Trumpet and Vox Virginea were put in storage, and were replaced by a Principal 8' and a Vox Celeste. A warehouse bellows was installed by Setterquist around 1955. Olof Rydén overhauled the organ in 1972.
  • In 1998 the organ was largely reconstructed to its original situation by Robert Gustavsson. However, the stop list stated here is for this work.

Technische Daten
Anzahl Register pro Manual
- Manual6
- Pedalaangehangen
Gesamtzahl der Stimmen6
Windlade(n)Slider chests

Manual (C-d'''): Principal 8' (B/D) - 1923, Gedakt 8', Fugara 8' - 1863, Vox Celeste 8' - 1923, Principal 4', Spetsflöjt 4'.
Pedal (C-g°): Bihängd.

Übrige dispositiondaten
Mehrere dispositionen The original specification has been:
Manual: Gedact 8', Principal 4', Spetzfleut 4', Quinta 3', Octava 2', Scharf 3 chor, Trompet 8' (B/D), Vox Virginea 8' (D).
Pedal: Bihängd.
  • Sveriges kyrkorglar / Sten L. Carlsson. - Lund : Håkan Ohlssons, 1973.
  • Schwanorgeln i Ängsö kyrka / Dag W. Edholm. - [Västerås] : Västerås Domkyrkas Orgelgrupp, 1998.
  • Orgelinventarium : Bevarade klassiska kyrkorglar i Sverige / Einar Erici, R. Axel Unnerbäck. - Stockholm : Proprius Förlag, 1988.
Weblinks https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%84ngs%C3%B6_kyrka#Orgel