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Description complète d'orgue sélectionné
, Deutschland (Rheinland-Pfalz) - Obere Evangelische Kirche (Dalsheim)
Commune: Flörsheim-Dalsheim
Adresse: Auf dem Römer 1, 67592, Flörsheim-Dalsheim
Site Web: http://ev-kirchedalsheim-ekhn.de/

Description no.: 2067907.

Bâti par: Franz Heinrich Stumm (1786)

In 1786 a new organ was placed in the Obere Evangelische Kirche in Dalsheim, most probably by Franz Heinrich Stumm. The organ has been preserved almost without modifications. In 1894 the bass of the Vox Humana was replaced by a Salicional 8'. This has been restored during a restoration.

Données techniques
Nombre de registres par manuel
- Manual9
- Pedal3
Nombre de jeux total12
Transmission des clésMechanical
Transmission des jeuxMechanical
Sommier(s)Slider chests

Manual (C-d'''): Bourdon 8' (B/D), Flöte 8' (Discant), Viola di Gamba 8' (B/D), Flöte 4' (B/D), Quinte 3', Octav 2', Mixtur 3 fach (1'), Trompete 8' (B/D), Vox Humana 8' (B/D), Tremulant.
Pedal (C-d'): Subbaß 16', Octavbaß 8', Violonbaß 8'.
Accouplements: Pedalkoppel.

Références Orgeln in Rheinland-Pfalz und im Saarland / Matthias Thömmes. - Trier : Paulinus-Verlag, 1981.