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Ausführliche Beschreibung der vorgewählten Orgel
New York City, USA (New York) - Saint Paul the Apostle Catholic Church
Gemeinde: New York
Adresse: Columbus Circle, New York City

Beschreibung nr.: 2067463.

Gebaut von: Frank Roosevelt (1893) - Opus 525

1893 Frank Roosevelt525 Neubau
1931 Welte-Tripp Organ Company  Restaurierung und Vergrößerung

  • All Saints Catholic Church in Harlem was built in a Venetian Gothic style after a design by James Renwick, Jr. The church was consecrated in 1893. Frank Roosevelt installed a pipe organ in the church, opus 525. The organ had 59 ranks on three manuals and pedal. In 1931, a rebuilt and expansion has been carried out by the Welte-Tripp company to 70 ranks on four manuals. The Roosevelt concept was largely preserved, with a new solo division.
  • The church became redundant in 2020. Because the building was put for sale, the organ had to be relocated. In February 2021 it was removed from the church, and via the Organ Clearing House it could be transferred to Saint Paul the Apostle Catholic Church in New York City the same year.

Kurze Übersicht der Orte, an denen die Orgel gestanden hat
1893New York CityAll Saints Catholic Church (Harlem)
2021New York CitySaint Paul the Apostle Catholic Church

Literatur Organbuilders. - In: The Diapason, 112th Year, No. 4, April 2021.