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Description complète d'orgue sélectionné
New York City, USA (New York) - Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church (The Bronx), Sanctuary Organ
Commune: New York City
Adresse: 627 East 187th Street, 10458, New York City

Description no.: 2065169.

Bâti par: Kegg Pipe Organ Builders (2017) - opus 58
L'orgue comprend le parent le matériel: Pipes de 1935 de Kilgen Organ Company

1935 Kilgen Organ Company  orgue neuf
2017 Kegg Pipe Organ Builders58 orgue neuf

  • In 1935, the Kilgen Company built a new sanctuary organ for Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church in The Bronx. The instrument was completely rebuilt in 2017 by Kegg Pipe Organ Builders, using much of the pipework of Kilgen, but with new mechanics and a new console. The console has three manuals, but the organ has only two manual divisions. There are plans to rebuilt te Gallery Organ in the near feature, and make it possible to play this instrument from the sancuary console.
  • The new sanctuary organ was completed in summer 2017. The organ is a unit organ with nine ranks, from which a specification of 26 stops has been derived.

Données techniques
Nombre de registres par manuel
- Great Organ9
- Swell Organ12
- Pedal Organ5
Nombre de jeux total26 (9)
Transmission des clésElectrical
Transmission des jeuxElectrical

Great Organ (C-c''''): Diapason 8', Melodia 8', Salicional 8', Voix Celeste 8', Octave 4', Flute 4', Fifteenth 2', Mixture 3 ranks, Trumpet 8', Harp, Chimes - prepared.
Swell Organ (C-c''''): Bourdon 16', Violin Diapason 8', Stopped Flute 8', Salicional 8', Voix Celeste 8', Principal 4', Harmonic Flute 4', Nazard 2 2/3', Flute 2', Larigot 1 1/3', Trumpet 8', Flugelhorn 8', Tremulant.
Pedal Organ (C-g'): Bourdon 16', Diapason 8', Stopped Flute 8', Trumpet 16', Trumpet 8'.
Accouplements: Swell to Great, Swell to Great 16', Swell to Great 4', Great to Pedal, Great to Pedal 4', Swell to Pedal, Swell to Pedal 4', Swell to Swell 16', Swell to Swell 4', Swell Unison Off.
Jouer conseils: Unlimited Combination Memories.