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Ausführliche Beschreibung der vorgewählten Orgel
Günhoven, Deutschland (Nordrhein-Westfalen) - Grabreskirche Sankt Matthias
Gemeinde: Mönchengladbach
Adresse: Stadtwaldstraße 323, 41179, Günhoven
Website: https://www.grabeskirche-st-matthias.de/

Beschreibung nr.: 2064145.

Gebaut von: Orgelbau Kuhn AG (2019)

  • The former parish church of Sankt Matthias in Günhoven had a pipe organ from 1906, that was installed in 1955 by Walter Seifert. The church was consecrated on August 31, 1952. After closure of the church it was redecorated as Grabeskirche, where urns can be place for remembrance. In 2016 the building was enlarged with a new room and a chapel, dedicated to Saint Mary (Marienkapelle). In 2019 a new organ was installed, built by Kuhn Orgelbau. The instrument was dedicated on August 25, 2019, with a recital by Reinhold Richter.
  • The Kuhn organ has two manuals and an independent pedal. Three stops are installed on so-called 'Wechselschleifen'. This means that they can be used on either the first or the second manual by choice.

Technische Daten
Anzahl Register pro Manual
- Hauptwerk7
- Positiv5 (2)
- Pedal2 (1)
Gesamtzahl der Stimmen14 (10)
Windlade(n)Slider chests

Hauptwerk (C-g'''): Principal 8', Flauto Dolce 8', Fugara 4', Flauto Amabile 4', Nasat 2 2/3', Flauto 2', Mixtur 3 fach (2').
Positiv (C-g'''): Gedackt 8', Flauto Amabile 4' - combined with Hauptwerk, Nasat 2 2/3' - combined with Hauptwerk, Flauto 2' - combined with Hauptwerk, Oboe 8'.
Pedal (C-f'): Subbass 16', Gedacktbass 8' - extension.
Koppeln: Hauptwerk - Positiv, Pedal - Hauptwerk, Pedal - Positiv.
Nebenregister und Spielhilfen: Tremulant.

Literatur Lebendige Orgellandschaft am linken Niederrhein : 300 Jahre bewegte Orgelgeschichte in den katholischen und evangelischen Kirchen in und um Mönchengladbach / Heinz-Joseph Clemens, Udo Witt. - Mönchengladbach, 2021.
Weblinks https://www.orgelbau.ch/de/orgel-details/114740.html