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Description complète d'orgue sélectionné
Photo: Marcel Pelt. Datation: August 2019.

Photo: Marcel Pelt

Gresham, United Kingdom (Norfolk) - All Saints' Church
Commune: Gresham
Adresse: East Beckham Road, NR11 8RF, Gresham

Description no.: 2063159.

Bâti par: Mark Noble (1867)

1867 Mark Noble  orgue neuf
1977 Ralph Bootman  restauration

The organ in Gresham Church was built in 1867 by Mark Noble. It was installed in Gresham in 1893, thanks to a gift by A.D. Spurgin. Before that time the instrument was in private posessiion. In 1977 Ralph Bootman carried out a restoration. Het shifted the Flute 4' to a Flagolet 2' and completed the Principal 4'.

Données techniques
Nombre de registres par manuel
- Manual4
- Pedalaangehangen
Nombre de jeux total4
Transmission des clésMechanical
Transmission des jeuxMechanical
Sommier(s)Slider chests

Manual (C-g'''): Open Diapason 8' (from c°), Stop Bass 8' (C-B), Stop Treble 8' (from c°), Principal Bass 4' (C-B), Principal Treble 4' (from c°), Flagolet 2' - 1867/1977.
Pedal (C-f°): Aangehangen.

Photo: Marcel Pelt. Datation: August 2019.
Photo: Marcel Pelt
Photo: Marcel Pelt. Datation: August 2019.
Photo: Marcel Pelt
Photo: Marcel Pelt. Datation: August 2019.
Photo: Marcel Pelt
Photo: Marcel Pelt. Datation: August 2019.
Photo: Marcel Pelt
Photo: Marcel Pelt. Datation: August 2019.
Photo: Marcel Pelt
Photo: Marcel Pelt. Datation: August 2019.
Photo: Marcel Pelt
Photo: Marcel Pelt. Datation: August 2019.
Photo: Marcel Pelt