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Description complète d'orgue sélectionné
Photo: Roel Sikkema. Datation: 29 May 2018.

Photo: Roel Sikkema

Ljuder, Sverige (Kronobergs län) - Ljuders Kyrka
Commune: Lessebo Kommun

Description no.: 2060514.

Bâti par: Carl August Johansson (1856)

1856 Carl August Johansson  orgue neuf
1952 Hammarbergs Orgelbyggeri AB  conversion
2007 Ålems Orgelverkstad  reconstruction

In the years 1854-1856 Carl August Johansson built an organ for Ljuders Kyrka. It was the first organ he built independently. In 1952 the instrument was renewed by Olof Hammarberg. He built a new organ behind Johansson's front, but also took over a lot of pipe work. The Ålems Orgelverkstad company carried out a reconstruction of Johansson's work in 2006-2007. The original console had been preserved and could be re-installed. Most of the pipe work was also still present.

Données techniques
Nombre de registres par manuel
- Manual I9
- Manual II5
- Pedal3
Nombre de jeux total17
Transmission des clésMechanical
Transmission des jeuxMechanical
Sommier(s)Slider chests

Manual I: Borduna 16', Principal 8', Gedackt 8', Octava 4', Qvinta 3', Octava 2', Scharf 3 kor, Trumpet 16' - 2007, Trumpet 8'.
Manual II: Fugara 8', Fleut d'Amour 8', Gedackt 8', Fleut (Spetsfleut) 4', Fleut (Täckfleut) 4' - 2007.
Pedal: Subbas 16', Violoncell 8', Fleut 4'.
Accouplements: Manual I - Manual II, Pedal - Manual I.

Autres données des dispositions
Autres dispositions The specification from 1952 until 2006 was:
Manual I: Borduna 16', Principal 8', Gedackt 8', Octava 4', Qvinta 3', Octava 2', Scharf 3 kor, Mixtur 5 kor (new), Trumpet 8'.
Manual II: Fugara 8', Flöjt d'amour 8', Fugara 8' (partially new), Principal 4' (19th century pipes, not original), Spetsflöjt 4', Gemshorn 2' (new), Nasard 1 1/3' (new), Oktava 1' (new), Sesquialtra 2 kor (new), Cymbel 3 kor (new), Krumhorn 8' (new), tremulant (new).
Pedal: Subbas 16', Octava 8', Gedackt 8' (partially new)', Flöjt 4', Nachthorn 2' (new), Basun 16', Trumpet 4' (new).
Koppel: Manual I - Manual II, Pedal - Manual I, Pedal - Manual II.
2 fria kombinationer, Tutti.
Références Sveriges kyrkorglar / Sten L. Carlsson. - Lund : Håkan Ohlssons, 1973.
Lièns https://alemsorgel.se/2021/ljuders-kyrka-2007/

Photo: Roel Sikkema. Datation: 29 May 2018.
Photo: Roel Sikkema
Photo: Roel Sikkema. Datation: 29 May 2018.
Photo: Roel Sikkema