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Description complète d'orgue sélectionné
Klösterle (Bludenz), Österreich (Vorarlberg) - Katholische Pfarrkirche hl. Johannes der Täufer
Commune: Klösterle (Bludenz)
Adresse: Klösterle 1, 6754, Klösterle

Description no.: 2060228.

Bâti par: Gebrüder Mayer (1910)
L'orgue comprend le parent le matériel: Organ case de 1766 de Builder unknown

1766 Builder unknown  orgue neuf
1910 Gebrüder Mayer  orgue neuf dans buffet vieille
1976 Edmund Hohn  transfer

The Gebrüder Mayer built a new organ for the Johannes-der-Täuferkirche in Klösterle in 1910. It is placed behind a historic front from 1766, the maker of which is unknown. In connection with the construction of a new church, the organ was dismantled by Edmund Hohn in 1974, and he installed it in the new church in 1976. It is located on the church floor in the choir of the church.

Données techniques
Nombre de registres par manuel
- I. Manual6
- II. Manual4
- Pedal2
Nombre de jeux total12
Transmission des clésPneumatic
Transmission des jeuxPneumatic
Sommier(s)Cone chests

I. Manual (C-f'''): Principal 8', Hohlflöte 8', Viola 8', Octav 4', Flöte 4', Mixtur 3 fach (2').
II. Manual (C-f'''): Geigenprincipal 8', Gedeckt 8', Dolce 8', Gemshorn 4'.
Pedal (C-d'): Subbaß 16', Cello 8'.

Références Orgelbau in Vorarlberg und Liechtenstein : Band I / Hans Nadler. - [Hohenems] : Hans Nadler, 1985.