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Description complète d'orgue sélectionné
Photo: Organ Historical Society.

Photo: Organ Historical Society

Minneapolis, USA (Minnesota) - Basilica of Saint Mary
Commune: Minneapolis
Région:Hennepin County
Adresse: 88 17th Street North, 55403, Minneapolis
Site Web: http://www.mary.org/

Description no.: 2055611.

Bâti par: Wicks Organ Company (1949) - opus 3047

1949 Wicks Organ Company3047 orgue neuf
2008 Wicks Organ Company  restauration et expansion

De grote Basilica of Saint Mary in Minneapolis is gebouwd in de jaren 1907-1915 in barokstijl, met twee torens aan de westzijde en een grote koepeltoren aan de oostzijde. De kerk is ontworpen door Emmanuel Masqueray. In 1926 werd het kerkgebouw verheven tot Basilica, de eerste in de Verenigde Staten van Amerika. Het grote orgel is gebouwd door de firma Wicks in 1949. In 2008 werd het door dezelfde firma gereviseerd en uitgebreid.

Données techniques
Nombre de registres par manuel
- Great Organ19 (14)
- Swell Organ19 (14)
- Choir Organ13 (12)
- Solo Organ13 (10)
- Herald Organ (floating)3 (1)
- Pedal Organ24 (10)
Nombre de jeux total91 (61)
Transmission des clésElectropneumatic
Transmission des jeuxElectropneumatic
Sommier(s)Cone chests

Great Organ (C-c''''): Diapason 16', First Diapason 8', Second Diapason 8' - extension, Stentorphone 8' - from Solo, Hohl Flute 8', Gemshorn 8', Principal 4', Rohr Flute 4', Stentor Octave 4' - from Solo, Quint 2 2/3', Super Octave 2', Major Fifteenth 2' - from Solo, Tierce 1 3/5', Cornet 3 ranks (2 2/3') - from Solo, Mixture 3 ranks, Mixture 4-6 ranks, Herald Mixture 6 ranks, Herald Scharff 4 ranks, Harmonic Trumpet 8', Chimes.
Swell Organ (C-c''''): Flûte Conique 16' - extension, Geigen Diapason 8', Flûte conique 8', Viole de Gamba 8', Viole Celeste 8' (TC), Geigen Octave 4', Flûte Triangular 4', Gambette 4' - extension, Octavin 2', Piccolo 2', Plein Jeu 3 ranks, Mixture 4 ranks, Contre Trompette 16' - extension, Trombone 16' - extension, Trompette Harmonique 8', Trumpet 8', Oboe 8', Clairon Harmonique 4' - extension, Clarion 4', Tremulant.
Choir Organ (C-c''''): Violin Diapason 8', Viola 8', Gedeckt 8', Spitz Flute 8', Unda Maris 8' (TC), Octave 4', Koppel Flute 4', Doublette 2', Spitz Piccolo 2' - extension, Quint 1 1/3', Mixture 3-4 ranks, Scharf 3 ranks, Vox Humana 8', Tremulant.
Solo Organ (C-c''''): Stentorphone 8', Gross Flute 8', Viol d'Orchestra 8', Viol Celeste 8' (TC), Stentor Octave 4', Major Fifteenth 2', Cornet 3 ranks, Corno di Bassetto 8', Tuba Mirabilis 8', Tuba Clarion 4', Bombarde 16' - extension, Bombarde 8' - from Great, Bombarde 4' - extension, Tremulant.
Herald Organ (floating) (C-c''''): Herald Fanfare 16' (TC) - extension, Herald Fanfare 8', Herald Fanfare 4' - extension, Zimbelstern.
Pedal Organ (C-g'): Resultant 32' - akoestisch, Sub Bourdon 32', Principal 16', Open Diapason 16', Violone 16', Bourdon 16' - extension, Flûte Conique 16' - from Swell, Octave 8', Principal 8' - extension, Bourdon 8' - extension, Flûte Conique 8' - from Swell, Cello 8' - extension, Octave 4', Flute 4' - from Great, Mixture 3 ranks, Bombarde 32' - extension, Bombarde 16' - extension, Trombone 16' - extension, Contre Trompette 16' - from Swell, Bombarde 8', Trompette 8', Clarion 4', Clairon Harmonique 4' - from Swell, Oboe 4' - from Swell.
Autres: Digital Combination Action, Crescendo Pedal, Tutti.
Accouplements: Choir to Great (16', 8', 4'), Swell to Great (16', 8', 4'), Solo to Great (16', 8', 4'), Swell to Choir (16', 8', 4'), Solo to Choir (16', 8', 4'), Solo to Swell (16', 8', 4'), Great to Pedal (8', 4'), Swell to Pedal (8', 4'), Choir to Pedal (8', 4'), Solo to Pedal (8', 4'), Herald on Great, Herald on Swell, Herald on Choir, Herald on Solo, Herald on Pedal, Great to Great (16', 4'), Great Unison Off, Swell to Swell (16', 4'), Swell Unison Off, Choir to Choir (16', 4'), Choir Unison Off, Solo to Solo (16', 4'), Solo Unison Off.

Références Organ Historical Society : 62nd Annual Convention : The Twin Cities Minnesota Minneapolis - Saint Paul : August 5-11, 2017. - Richmond, VA : Organ Historical Society, 2017.

Photo: Wicks Organ Company.
Photo: Wicks Organ Company