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Ralbitz, Deutschland (Sachsen) - Katholische Pfarrkirche Sankt-Katharinen
Commune: Ralbitz-Rosenthal
Adresse: Hauptstraße, 01920, Ralbitz
Site Web: https://www.wosada-ralbicy.de/

Description no.: 2052556.

Bâti par: Urban Kreutzbach (1853) - opus 38
Demolished (1912)

The parish church of Ralbitz was built in 1752. Urban Kreutzbach built a new organ for this church in 1853. It was not a large organ, with only five stops on the manual and a Subbaß on the pedal. The organ was replaced in 1912 by a new organ from the Jehmlich company.

Données techniques
Nombre de registres par manuel
- Manual5
- Pedal1
Nombre de jeux total6
Transmission des clésMechanical
Transmission des jeuxMechanical
Sommier(s)Slider chests

Manual (C-c'''): Viola di Gamba 8', Doppelflöte 8', Fugara 8', Principal 4', Gedackt 4'.
Pedal (C-c'): Subbaß 16'.
Accouplements: Pedalkoppel.

Références Urban Kreutzbach (1796-1868) : Leben und Werk / Klaus Walter, Wolfram Hackel, Gert Rothe. - In: Acta Organologica ; Band 33. - Kassel : Merseburger, 2013. - (260. Veröffentlichung der Gesellschaft der Orgelfreunde).