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Description complète d'orgue sélectionné
Limerick, Ireland (Éire) (Limerick) - University of Limerick, Concert Hall
Commune: Limerick
Site Web: http://www.uch.ie/

Description no.: 2050087.

Bâti par: John Compton Organ Company (1932) - opus A135

1932 John Compton Organ CompanyA135 orgue neuf
1993 Wells-Kennedy Partnership  transfer

  • In 1932 leverde de firma Compton een theaterorgel voor de Savoy Cinema aan Saint Patrick's Street in Cork. Deze Cinema werd op 12 mei 1932 geopend. Het orgel heeft dienst gedaan tot de sluiten van de Cinema in 1975. Het is toen opgekocht door Russell Whyn in Kilbrittain Castle, die het in zijn bungalow opsloeg. Daarmee is het gered van de sloop, en het enige bioscoop-orgel in Ierland dat nog bestaat geworden.
  • De Wells-Kennedy Partnership restaureerde het orgel en bouwde het in 1993 op in de nieuwgebouwde University Concert Hall in Limerick. Het orgel is een pijporgel met twaalf pijpenreeksen en veel effect- en percussieregisters.

Court sommaire des endroits où l'orgue s'est trouvé
1932CorkSavoy Cinema
1993LimerickUniversity of Limerick, Concert Hall

Données techniques
Nombre de registres par manuel
- Great35
- Accompaniment27
- Solo23
- Pedal15
Nombre de jeux total100 (12)
Transmission des clésElectrical
Transmission des jeuxElectrical

Great (C-c''''):
Lower Rail: Contra Tuba 16', Trombone 16' (TC), Diapason 16', Contra Tibia 16', Vox Humana 16' (TC), Clarinet 16' (TC), Violin 16' (TC), Contra Viola 16' (TC), Tuba 8', Trumpet 8', Diapason 8', Tibia 8', Harmonic Flute 8', Vox Humana 8', Clarinet 8', Oboe 8', Cello 8', Violin 8', Violin Celeste 8', Flute 8'.
Upper Rail: Tuba 4', Clarion 4', Octave 4', Tibia 4', Cello 4', Violin 4', Violin Celeste 4', Flute 4', Tibia Twelfth 2 2/3', Flute Twelfth 2 2/3', Ocarina 2', Flautino 2', Tierce 1 3/5', Chimes, Glockenspiel 4', Xylophone 4', Sleigh Bells 4', Orchestra Bells 4'.
Great 2nd Touch: Tuba 8'.
Accompaniment (C-c''''):
Lower Rail: Trombone 16' (TC), Vox Humana 16' (TC), Contra Viola 16' (TC), Bourdon 16', Tuba 8', Trumpet 8', Diapason 8', Tibia 8', Harmonic Flute 8', Vox Humana 8', Clarinet 8', Cello 8', Violin 8', Violin Celeste 8', Flute 8', Tom-Tom, Sleigh Bells.
Upper Rail: Clarion 4', Octave 4', Tibia 4', Vox Humana 4', Violin 4', Violin Celeste 4', Flute 4', Twelfth 2 2/3', Viole Fifteenth 2', Flautino 2', Vibraphone 4', Snare Drum, Tambourine, Castanets, Block, Sand Block.
Accompaniment 2nd Touch: Tuba 8', Clarinet 8'.
Solo (C-c''''):
Lower Rail: Contra Tuba 16', Trombone 16' (TC), Fagotto 16', Tuba 8', Trumpet 8', Diapason 8', Tibia 8', Harmonic Flute 8', Vox Humana 8', Clarinet 8', Oboe 8', Cello 8', Violin 8', Violin Celeste 8'.
Upper Rail: Tuba 4', Clarion 4', Tibia 4', Concert Flute 4', Violin 4', Violin Celeste 4', Piccolo 2', Chimes, Glockenspiel 4', Xylophone 4', Sleigh Bells 4', Orchestra Bells 4', Chrysoglott, Carillon.
Solo 2nd Touch: Tuba 8', Clarinet 8'.
Pedal (C-g'):
Lower Rail: Tibia Bass 16', Fagotto 16', Tibia 8', Trumpet 8', Fagotto 8', Clarinet 8', Tibia 4'.
Upper Rail: Acoustic Bass 32', Diaphone 16', Tuba Bass 16', Bourdon 16', Octave 8', Tuba 8', Flute 8', Cello 8'.
Pedal 2nd Touch: Bass Drum Tap P, Bass Drum Tap F, Drum Roll, Cymbal, Snare Drum Roll, Triangle, Tolling Bell, Effects to 2nd Touch.
Accouplements: Accompaniment to Great, Great to Solo, Solo to Accompaniment, Accompaniment to Pedal, Great to Pedal, Solo to Pedal.
Jouer conseils: 5 Tremulants, Setter Pistons 1', 8 Ventils & Switches 2', Bird I 3', Bird II 4', Motor Horns, Fire Bell, Door Bell, Triangle, Cymbal Roll, Drum Roll 1', Snare Drum/Grand Crash 2', Siren 3', Engine 4', Steamboat.