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Ville de Québec, Canada (Québec) - Trinity Anglican Church (Sainte-Foy)
Commune: Ville de Québec
Adresse: 2687 Chemin des Quatre-Bourgeois, G1V 1X3, Ville de Québec

Description no.: 2043782.

Bâti par: Karn-Warren Pipe Organ Company (1904)

Données techniques
Nombre de registres par manuel
- Great Organ4
- Swell Organ10
- Pedal Organ1
Nombre de jeux total15
Transmission des clésMechanical
Transmission des jeuxMechanical
Sommier(s)Slider chests

Great Organ (C-g'''): Open Diapason 8', Stopped Diapason 8' (C-B), Dulciane 8' (from c°), Mélodie 8' (from c°), Principal 4'.
Swell Organ (C-g'''): Bourdon 16', Open Diapason 8', Stopped Diapason 8', Viola di Gamba 8', Voix Céleste 8', Flauto Traverso 2', Fifteenth 2', Mixture 2 ranks, Cornopean 8', Orchestral Oboe 8'.
Pedal Organ (C-f'): Bourdon 16'.
Accouplements: Swell to Great, Great to Pedal, Swell to Pedal.
Jouer conseils: 5 fixed combinations.

Enregistrements Les Orgues Anciens du Québec III / Serge Laliberté ; Marie-Andrée Paré –. - Alpec A-81031 (LP). - 1981. - Recorded in Saint-Joseph-de-Deschambault and Sainte-Foy.
Lièns https://www.musiqueorguequebec.ca/orgues/quebec/trinitysf.html