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Description complète d'orgue sélectionné
Maria Kirchental, Österreich (Salzburg) - Katholische Wallfahrtskirche zu Unserer Lieben Frau Geburt
Commune: Sankt Martin bei Lofer
Adresse: Kirchental 1, 5092, Sankt Martin bei Lofer

Description no.: 2041309.

Bâti par: Matthäus Mauracher (sr.) (1858)

1858 Matthäus Mauracher (sr.)  orgue neuf
1892 Albert Mauracher  activités différentes
2002 Johann Pieringer  restauration

Organ by Matthäus Mauracher from 1858. In 1892 the organ was renovated by Albert Mauracher. It was restored in 2002 by Johann Pieringer. The disposition of 1858 has been reconstructed. The Gamba was newly made, the Superoctav was placed in the Mixtur in 1892, but has now been reinstalled on its own slide.

Données techniques
Nombre de registres par manuel
- Manual9
- Pedal3
Nombre de jeux total12
Transmission des clésMechanical
Transmission des jeuxMechanical
Sommier(s)Slider chests

Manual: Principal 16' (from B), Principal 8', Gamba 8' - 2002, Gedeckt 8', Filomela 8', Octave 4', Flöte 4', Superoctav 2', Mixtur 3 fach (2 2/3').
Pedal: Subbass 16', Octavbass 8', Quintbass 5 1/3'.
Accouplements: Pedalkoppel.

Lièns https://www.orgelbau-pieringer.at/projekte/restaurierung/11-projekte/restaurierungen/15-maria-kirchental