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Kuckum, Deutschland (Nordrhein-Westfalen) - Herz Jesukirche
Commune: Erkelenz
Adresse: In Kuckum 62, 41812, Kuckum
Site Web: https://christkoenig-erkelenz.de/

Description no.: 2032774.

Bâti par: Georg Stahlhuth & Sohn ()

  • In the Herz Jesukirche in Kuckum there has been an organ with five stops by Stahlhuth since 1991. The church building was built in neo-Gothic style in the years 1890-1891 and was consecrated on May 16, 1893. A French pressure wind harmonium was in use in the church since 1898, after which a small organ was placed by the company Holdorf from Einruhr. In 1961-1962 this organ was demolished and replaced by an electronic organ.
  • In 2017, the population of the village started to move, which will be demolished due to lignite mining.

Données techniques
Nombre de registres par manuel
- 1 Manual and Pedal
Nombre de jeux total5

Références Glocken und Orgeln des Stadtgebietes Erkelenz : Geschichte und Bestand / Hans Hilberath. - Erkelenz : Heimatsverein der Erkelenzer Lande e.V., 1985. - (Schriften des Heimatsverein ; 7).
Autres sources
  • Heinz-Josef Clemens