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Ausführliche Beschreibung der vorgewählten Orgel
Chemnitz, Deutschland (Sachsen) - Katholische Pfarrkirche Sankt Johann Nepomuk (Propsteikirche)
Gemeinde: Chemnitz
Adresse: Reichsstraße, 09112, Chemnitz
Website: http://www.propstei-chemnitz.de/

Beschreibung nr.: 2028217.

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The old Chemnitz parish church, dedicated to Johann Nepomuk, stood on the Roßmarkt. The building was taken into use in 1828. In this church was a two-manual organ by Christian Friedrich Göthel with twelve stops from 1858. Due to war violence it was lost in 1945. In another location, a new parish church was built in the years 1953-1955, which was dedicated on April 23, 1955. The church was expanded in 1993 with a tower. The church has been Propsteikirche since 1956.