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Photo: Piet Bron. Datation: 26 May 2009.

Photo: Piet Bron

Aachen, Deutschland (Nordrhein-Westfalen) - Theresienkirche (Rumänisch-Orthodoxe Gemeinde "Heilige Dreifaltigkeit")
Commune: Aachen
Adresse: Pontstraße 41, 52062, Aachen
Site Web: http://www.theresienkircheaachen.de/

Description no.: 2025296.

Bâti par: Karl Bach (1953)
Replaced (1968)

In 1953 Carl Bach placed a new organ in the Sankt Nikolauskirche in Aachen. It was transferred to the Theresienkirche in 1963, after a larger organ was placed in the St. Nicholas Church. UIn 1968 a new organ was built for the Theresienkirche by Willi Peter.

Données techniques
Nombre de registres par manuel
- 2 Manuals and Pedal
Nombre de jeux total14