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Description complète d'orgue sélectionné
Photo: Groenling. Datation: 14 May 2005.

Photo: Groenling

, USA (Pennsylvania) - Saint Peter's Episcopal Church
Commune: Philadelphia
Région:Philadelphia County
Adresse: 313 Pine Street, 19147, Philadelphia, PA
Site Web: http://www.stpetersphila.org/

Description no.: 2022116.

Bâti par: Ernest M. Skinner (1931) - opus 862
L'orgue comprend le parent le matériel: Organ case de 1767 de Philip Feyring

1767 Philip Feyring  orgue neuf
1789 Builder unknown  transfer
1815 Builder unknown  conversion
1829 Henry Corrie  orgue neuf dans buffet vieille
1857 JohnC.B. Standbridge  orgue neuf dans buffet vieille
1886 Hilborne L. Roosevelt  restauration et expansion
1892 Charles S. Haskell  conversion
1911 Charles S. Haskell  expansion
1931 Ernest M. Skinner862 orgue neuf dans buffet vieille
2022 A. Thompson-Allen Company  restauration

  • Saint Peter's Episcopal Church on Pine Street, Philadelphia was dedicated on September 4, 1761. The church was designed by Robert Smith. The current organ was built by Ernest M. Skinner in 1931, opus 862. The organ case dates from 1764, when Philip Feyring built the first organ for this church. This organ was completed in 1767. It originally stood on the gallery on the north side, but was moved in 1789 to a new gallery above the altar. The organ was renovated several times in the nineteenth century, in the existing case, and possibly while retaining some registers.
  • This happened in 1815 (by an unknown builder), in 1829 (by Henry Corrie) and in 1857 by John C.B. Standbridge. Standbridge built a new two manual organ. This was expanded in 1886 by Hilborne Roosevelt with a third manual. It was subsequently expanded by Charles S. Haskell in 1892 with a new four-manual console, electric action and an Echo Organ, which was installed in 1911. Haskell's work soon had to be repaired again. In 1928 it was decided to have the organ replaced. Ernest Skinner built a completely new organ, only the old case with the front from 1767 was taken over.
  • The Skinner organ has survived relatively unscathed. The original console was replaced by a console from Austin in the 1970s, and in 1985 by a new console from David Harris. Some stops had been replaced over time: Great's Flute 4' with a Mixture, Choir's Nazard with a Principal 4', the Chimes had been removed, and Great's Tromba had been changed to a Trumpet. Swell's Aeolin and the Harp were no longer there. In 2021-2022 the organ was restored by the Thompson-Allen firm. The original disposition has been restored, the voicing has been revised using examples from Skinner from the same construction period.

Données techniques
Nombre de registres par manuel
- Great Organ10
- Choir Organ10
- Swell Organ14
- Pedal Organ13 (2)
Nombre de jeux total47 (36)
Transmission des clésElectrical
Transmission des jeuxElectrical
Sommier(s)Cone chests

Great Organ (C-c''''): Bourdon 16' - extension from Pedal, First Diapason 8', Second Diapason 8', Principal Flute 8', Erzähler 8', Principal 4', Flute 4', Grave Mixture 2 ranks (2 2/3'+2'), Tromba 8', French Horn 8', Chimes, Harp, Celesta.
Choir Organ (C-c''''): Contra Gamba 16', Diapason 8', Concert Flute 8', Gamba 8', Dulciana 8', Unda Maris 8' (from c°), Flute 4', Nazard 2 2/3', Clarinet 8', English Horn 8', Tremolo, Harp (from c°), Celesta (C-B).
Swell Organ (C-c''''): Echo Lieblich 16', Open Diapason 8', Rohr Flute 8', Salicional 8', Voix Celeste 8', Aeoline 8', Octave 4', Flute Triangulaire 4', Flautino 2', Mixture 3 ranks, Waldhorn 16', Cornopean 8', Oboe 8', Vox Humana 8', Tremolo, Chimes - from Great.
Pedal Organ (C-g'): Resultant 32' - acoustic, Open Diapason 16', Bourdon 16', Echo Lieblich 16' - from Swell, Contra Gamba 16' - from Choir, Octave 8' - extension, Gedeckt 8' - extension, Still Gedeckt 8' - from Swell, Cello 8' - from Choir, Contra Fagotto 32' - extension from Swell, Trombone 16' - extension from Great, Waldhorn 16' - from Swell, Tromba 8' - from Great, Chimes - from Great.
Accouplements: Choir to Great 16', Choir to Great 16' 8', Choir to Great 5 1/3' 4', Choir to Great 4' 16', Swell to Great 8', Swell to Great 16' 1/3', Swell to Great 4' 4', Choir to Swell 16', Choir to Swell 4' 8', Choir to Swell 16' 4', Swell to Choir 16', Swell to Choir 16' 8', Swell to Choir 4' 4', Great to Pedal 8', Great to Pedal 4' 4', Choir to Pedal 8', Choir to Pedal 4' 4', Swell to Pedal 8', Swell to Pedal 4' 4'.
Jouer conseils: 256 memory levels, Sforzando, 12 General Thumbs Pistons 12', 8 Thumbs Pistons to Great 8', 8 Thumbs Pistons to Choir 8', 8 Thumbs Pistons to Swell 8', 12 General Toe Studs 4', 8 Toe Studs to Pedal, Pedal Divide 2', All Swells to Swell.

  • Organ Historical Society : 61st Annual Convention : Philadelphia : June 26 - July 2 2016. - Richmond, VA : Organ Historical Society, 2016.
  • Cover feature : A. Thompson-Allen Company, New Haven, Connecticut : Saint Peter’s Episcopal Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania / Nicholas Thompson-Allen. - In: The Diapason, 114th Year, No. 2, February 2023.