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Description complète d'orgue sélectionné
Sydney NS, Canada (Nova Scotia) - Church
Région:Cape Breton Island

Description no.: 2018400.

Bâti par: Verschueren Orgelbouw (1961) - opus 547

In 1961 leverde de firma Verschueren een unit-orgel voor een kerk in Sydney in Canada.

Données techniques
Nombre de registres par manuel
- Great Organ10
- Choir Organ6
- Swell Organ11
- Pedal Organ9
Nombre de jeux total36
Transmission des clésElectropneumatic
Transmission des jeuxElectropneumatic
Sommier(s)Cone chests

Great Organ (C-c''''): Diapason 8', Roerfluit 8', Gemshoorn 8', Octaaf 4', Koppelfluit 4', Doublette 2', Mixtuur III sterk, Trompet 16', Trompet 8', Trompet 4', Chimes.
Choir Organ (C-c''''): Holfluit 8', Dulciana 8', Spitsfluit 4', Nazard 2 2/3', Blokfluit 2', Clarinet 8', Tremolo, Chimes.
Swell Organ (C-c''''): Gedekt 16', Prestant 8', Bourdon 8', Viola di Gamba 8', Gamba Celeste 8' (from c°), Aeoline 8', Prestant 4', Roerfluit 4', Piccolo 2', Sesquialter II sterk, Hobo 8', Tremolo.
Pedal Organ (C-g'): Contrabas 16', Subbas 16', Gedekt 16', Octaafbas 8', Bourdon 8', Koraalbas 4', Trombone 16', Trompet 8', Klaroen 4'.
Accouplements: Choir to Great (16', 8', 4'), Swell to Great (16', 8', 4'), Swell to Choir (16', 8', 4'), Great to Pedal (8', 4'), Choir to Pedal (8', 4'), Swell to Pedal (8', 4'), Great to Great 16', Great to Great 4', Choir to Choir 16', Choir to Choir 4', Swell to Swell 16', Swell to Swell 4'.
Jouer conseils: 4 combinations to Great, 4 combinations to Choir, 4 combinations to Swell, 4 combinations to Pedal, General Combination.

Références Sydney (Canada). - In: Orgelnieuws fa. L. Verschueren c.v., Kerstmis 1961.