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Description complète d'orgue sélectionné
Photo: Wolfgang Reich. Datation: 14 September 2019.

Photo: Wolfgang Reich

Lenzen an der Elbe, Deutschland (Brandenburg) - Evangelische Stadtkirche Sankt Katarinen

Redirigé de: Hamburg - Sankt Georgenkirche (1708 - 1747)

Commune: Lenzen (Elbe)
Adresse: Berliner Straße, 19309, Lenzen (Elbe)
Site Web: https://www.kirchenkreis-prignitz.de/

Description no.: 2013668.

Bâti par: Johann Gottlieb Scholtze (1759)
L'orgue comprend le parent le matériel: Pipes de 1708 de Arp Schnitger

1759 Johann Gottlieb Scholtze  orgue neuf
2007 Reinhard Hüfken  restauration

  • In the years 1707/1708, Arp Schnitger built an organ for the St. Georgenkirche in Hamburg. He took over pipe work from the previous organ, built by Hans Scherer der Jüngere from 1628. The organ was sold in 1747 to the church of Lenzen an der Elbe, where it was put into use on June 18, 1747. However, on September 30, 1751, the tower of this church collapsed, causing very serious damage to the organ. Lucky enough a part of the pipework could be saved. After rebuilding the tower and repairing the church building, Gottlieb Scholtze built a new organ in 1759, using this pipework. The organ has been modified over time, but has largely been preserved in its original state.
  • Reinhard Hüfken started the restoration of the organ in January 2006. Under the advice of Dietrich Kollmannsperger and Christoph Lehmann, it was completely brought back to the state of 1759. On September 22, 2007, the organ was put back into use with a concert by Harald Vogel.

Court sommaire des endroits où l'orgue s'est trouvé
1708HamburgSankt Georgenkirche
1747Lenzen an der ElbeEvangelische Stadtkirche Sankt Katharinen

Données techniques
Nombre de registres par manuel
- Manuel11
- Oberwerck9
- Pedal6
Nombre de jeux total26
Transmission des clésMechanical
Transmission des jeuxMechanical
Sommier(s)Slider chests

Manuel (CD-c'''): Bordun 16', Principal 8', Rohrflöte 8', Octave 4', Quinte 3', Octave 2', Sifflöte 2', Cornet 3 fach, Scharf 4 fach, Cimbel 3 fach, Trompet 8'.
Oberwerck (CD-c'''): Quintadena 8', Gedackt 8', Principal 4', Rohrflöte 4', Nassad 3', Octave 2', Quinte 1 1/2', Flagiolett 1', MIxtur 3 fach, Voxhomana 8', Schwebung.
Pedal (CD-c'): Subbas 16', Octave 8', Octave 4', Mixtur 4 fach, Posaune 16', Trompet 8'.
Autres: Sonnenzug (2 Zimbelsonnen).
Accouplements: Manual-Cuppel, Pedal-Cuppel Manuel.
Jouer conseils: Trimulant, Calicanten Glock, Sperrventiel Manuel, Sperrventiel Oberwerck, Sperrventiel Pedal.

Références Barocke Pracht und schlichte Schönheit : Orgeln in Brandenburg / Elke Lang. - Berlin : Culturcon Medien, 2014.
Enregistrements Friedrich Wilhelm Zachow : Das Orgelwerk / Irénée Peyrot. - Fagott Orgelverlag F-3908-8 (2CD). - 2012. - Opgenomen in Halle en Lenzen.
Lièns https://www.nomine.net/lenzen-st-katharinen
Autres sources
  • Kulturportal Brandenburg

Photo: Wolfgang Reich. Datation: 14 September 2019.
Photo: Wolfgang Reich
Photo: Wolfgang Reich. Datation: 14 September 2019.
Photo: Wolfgang Reich
Photo: Wolfgang Reich. Datation: 14 September 2019.
Photo: Wolfgang Reich
Photo: Wolfgang Reich. Datation: 14 September 2019.
Photo: Wolfgang Reich
Photo: Wolfgang Reich. Datation: 14 September 2019.
Photo: Wolfgang Reich
Photo: Wolfgang Reich. Datation: 14 September 2019.
Photo: Wolfgang Reich
Photo: Wolfgang Reich. Datation: 14 September 2019.
Photo: Wolfgang Reich
Photo: Wolfgang Reich. Datation: 14 September 2019.
Photo: Wolfgang Reich
Photo: Wolfgang Reich. Datation: 14 September 2019.
Photo: Wolfgang Reich
Photo: Wolfgang Reich. Datation: 14 September 2019.
Photo: Wolfgang Reich
Photo: Wolfgang Reich. Datation: 14 September 2019.
Photo: Wolfgang Reich
Photo: Wolfgang Reich. Datation: 14 September 2019.
Photo: Wolfgang Reich