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Description complète d'orgue sélectionné
Berlin, Deutschland (Berlin) - Krematorium Baumschulenweg, Kapelle
Commune: Berlin
Adresse: Baumschulenweg, 12437, Berlin
Site Web: https://www.krematorium-berlin.de/

Description no.: 2011658.

Bâti par: Wilhelm Sauer Orgelbau (1951)
Dismantled (1995)

In 1951 the Sauer company built a two-manual organ with thirty stops for the large chapel of the crematorium on Baumschulenweg in Berlin. The building dated from 1913. It was damaged in World War II and was rebuilt in a simpler style in the years 1950-1952. In 1995 the crematorium was demolished and replaced by a new building. The organ was too big for the new space, and has been demolished. Ten stops have been used in the construction of a new organ for the Hoffnungskirche in Berlin-Pankow.

Données techniques
Nombre de registres par manuel
- I. Manual9
- II. Manual12
- Pedal9
Nombre de jeux total30
Transmission des clésMechanical
Transmission des jeuxMechanical
Sommier(s)Slider chests

I. Manual: Principal 8', Singend Gedackt 8', Salicional 8', Oktave 4', Rohrflöte 4', Quinte 2 2/3', Kleine Oktave 2', Mixtur 4-5 fach, Trompete 8'.
II. Manual (in zwelkast): Lieblich Gedackt 16', Rohrflöte 8', Gemshorn 8', Quintaton 8', Pitava 8', Principal 4', Nachthorn 4', Waldflöte 2', Quinte 1 1/3', Sifflöte 1', Scharff 4 fach, Oboe 8', Tremolo.
Pedal: Principal 16', Subbaß 16', Gedacktbaß 16', Oktave 8', Pommer 8', Oktave 4', Flöte 2', Mixtur 4 fach (2 2/3'), Lieblich Posaune 16'.
Accouplements: I. Manual - II. Manual, Pedal - I. Manual, Pedal - II. Manual.

Références Musik und Kirche 4/1952.
Autres sources
  • Jörg R. Becker