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Description complète d'orgue sélectionné
Mörstadt, Deutschland (Rheinland-Pfalz) - Evangelische Kirche
Commune: Mörstadt
Adresse: Kirchgasse, 67591, Mörstadt

Description no.: 2010107.

Bâti par: Gebrüder Stumm (1786)

1786 Gebrüder Stumm  orgue neuf
1869 Georg Rothermel  transfer
1932 Heinrich Bechstein  changer la disposition
1975 Förster & Nicolaus  restauration
1996 Förster & Nicolaus  reconstruction

In the church of Mörstadt there is an organ from the eighteenth century. It was probably built in 1786 and is attributed to the Stumm brothers. The instrument originally stood on a gallery at the side of the nave. In 1869 it was moved by Georg Rothermel to the choir of the church. A first modification was not made until 1917, when the prospect pipes were requisitioned. These were only replaced in 1932 by zinc ones. The organ builder Heinrich Bechstein was then working on the organ. He also removed the Flöte 8', as it was woodworm infested, and replaced the Trompete and the Vox Humana with a Principal 8'. In 1975 the organ was restored by Förster & Nicolaus. It was given a new place in the church on the west side. The missing registers were installed in 1996.

Données techniques
Nombre de registres par manuel
- Manual12
- Pedal3
Nombre de jeux total15
Transmission des clésMechanical
Transmission des jeuxMechanical
Sommier(s)Slider chests
Hauteur tonalea' = 465,5 Hz
TempératureKirnberger II
Presse de Vent65 mm

Manual (C-d'''): Hohlpfeife 8' (B/D), Flaut Traver 8' (discant) - 1996, Viol di Gam 8' (B/D), Principal 4' - 1996, Floet 4' (B/D), Quint 3' - C-G 1996, Octav 2', Terz 1 3/5', Mixtur 3 fach (1'), Vox Humana 8' (B/D) - 1996, Trompete 8' (B/D), Krummhorn 8' (B/D), Tremulant - 1996.
Pedal (C-d°): Sub Baß 16', Octav Baß 8', Violon Baß 8'.
Accouplements: Pedalkoppel.

  • Orgeln in Rheinland-Pfalz und im Saarland / Matthias Thömmes. - Trier : Paulinus-Verlag, 1981.
  • Alte Orgeln in Hessen und Nassau / Hans Martin Balz, Reinhardt Menger. - Zweite, neu überarbeitete Auflage. - Kassel : Merseburger Verlag, 1997. - (Veröffentlichunge der Gesellschaft der Orgelfreunde ; 72).