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Charlotte NC, USA (North-Carolina) - Calvary Church
Commune: Charlotte NC
Région:Mecklenburg County
Adresse: 5801 Pineville-Matthews Road, 28226, Charlotte, NC
Site Web: https://www.calvarychurch.com/

Description no.: 2004567.

Bâti par: M.P. Möller Company (1990) - opus 11739

In the years 1986-1989 a new 5,000 seat church was built for Calvary Church in Charlotte. There is a large new organ built by Möller, which was completed in 1990. In the old church there was a large organ from 1980. It is not known what happened to this instrument.

Données techniques
Nombre de registres par manuel
- Great Organ26 (23)
- Positiv Organ20 (19)
- Swell Organ26 (23)
- Choir Organ23 (18)
- Solo Organ16 (12)
- Bombarde Organ8
- Gospel Organ (Floating)10 (2)
- Trompetaria I Organ (Floating)6 (1)
- Ancillary I Organ (Floating)7 (6)
- Trompetaria II Organ (Floating)6 (1)
- Ancillary II Organ (Floating)7 (6)
- Celestial Organ (Floating)5
- Pedal Organ48 (15)
Nombre de jeux total208 (139)
Transmission des clésElectrical
Transmission des jeuxElectrical

Great Organ (C-c''''): Montre 16', Pommer 16', Open Diapason 8', Principal 8', Montre 8' - extension, Flute Harmonique 8', Bourdon 8' - extension, Spitzflöte 8', Gross Quint 5 1/3', Octave 4', Prestant 4', Flute Ouverte 4', Rohrflöte 4', Gross Terz 3 1/5', Super Octave 2', Waldflöte 2', Sesquialtera 2 ranks (2 2/3'), Grande Fourniture 4 ranks (2'), Fourniture 4-6 ranks (1 1/3'), Scharf 4-5 ranks (1'), Posaune 16', Trompete 8', Klarine 4', Millenial Trumpet 16' - en chamade, Millenial Trumpet 8' - en chamade, Millenial Trumpet 4' - en chamade, Tremulant, Chimes (25 tonen) - van Solo, Harp 8', Celesta 4'.
Positiv Organ (enclosed) (C-c''''): Quintaten 16', Prinzipal 8', Schwebung 8', Singend Gedeckt 8', Quintadena 8' - extension, Oktav 4', Koppelflöte 4', Super Oktav 2', Schweitzerflöte 2', Quint 1 1/3', Oktavlein 1', None 8/9', Jeu de Tierce 2 ranks (2 2/3'), Mixtur 4-5 ranks (1 1/3'), Zimbel 3-5 ranks (1/2'), Jeu de Clochette 3 rangs (2/3'), Dulzian 16', Klein Trompete 8', Krummhorn 8', Trichter Regal 4', Tremulant, Zimbelstern (6 bells).
Swell Organ (enclosed) (C-c''''): Gambe 16', Bourdon Doux 16', Montre 8', Flûte à Cheminée 8' - extension, Viole de Gambe 8' - extension, Viole Celeste 8', Salicional 8', Voix Celeste 8', Flûte Douce 8', Flûte Celeste 8' (TC), Prestant 4', Flûte Octaviante 4', Unda Maris 4' (2 ranks), Nazard 2 2/3', Doublette 2', Quarte de Nazard 2', Tierce 1 3/5', Plein Jeu 3-5 ranks (1 1/3'), Cymbale 3-5 ranks (2/3'), Contre Trompette 16', Bassoon 16', Trompette 8', Hautbois 8' - extension, Cor d'Amour 8', Voix Humaine 8', Clairon 4', Tremulant, Symphonic Carillon, Major Bells, Minor Bells.
Choir Organ (enclosed) (C-c''''): Gemshorn 16', Viola Pomposa 8', Viola Celeste 8', Gemshorn 8' - extension, Gemshorn Celeste 8', Zauberflöte 8', Klein Erzähler 8' (2 ranks), Fugara 4', Spillflöte 4', Rohr Nazard 2 2/3', Blockflöte 2', Terzflöte 1 3/5', Larigot 1 1/3', Sifflöte 1', Mixture 4-5 ranks (1 1/3'), Fagotto 16', Petite Trompette 8', Clarinet 8', Fagotto 4' - extension, Cor de Gabriel 16' - van Trompeteria, Cor de Gabriel 8' - van Trompeteria, Cor de Gabriel 4' - van Trompeteria, Tuba Mirabilis 8' - van Solo Organ, Tremulant, Harp 8' (TC) - van Gospel Organ, Celesta 4' (TC) - van Gospel Organ.
Solo Organ and Bombarde Organ (enclosed) (C-c''''):
Solo Organ: Violincello 16', Cello Celeste 16', Doppelflöte 8', Violincello 8' - extension, Cello Celeste 8' - extension, Gamba 8', Gamba Celeste 8', Violincello 4' - extension, Cello Celeste 4' - extension, Orchestral Flute 4', Quinte Flute 2 2/3', Corno di Bassetto 16', English Horn 8', Orchestral Oboe 8', French Horn 8', Tuba Mirabilis 8', Tremulant, Chimes (25 bells) - Mayland bells.
Bombarde Organ: Grand Diapason 8', Major Octave 4', Plein Jeu 4-6 ranks (2'), Mounted Cornet 5 ranks (8') (discant), Eclat 5-8 ranks, Buccina 16', Trompette Harmonique 8', Clairon Harmonique 4', Symphonic Carillon, Flemish Bells, Minor Bells.
Floating Division (C-c''''):
Gospel Organ (enclosed): Tibia 16' (TC) - extension, Tibia 8', Tibia 4' - extension, Tibia 2 2/3' - extension, Tibia 2' - extension, Tibia 1 3/5' - extension, Kinura 16' (TC) - extension, Kinura 8', Kinura 4' - extension, Kinura 2' - extension, Tremulant, Harp 8' (49 bars), Celeste 4' (TC) - extension.
Trompeteria Organ I: Cor de Gabriel 16', Cor de Gabriel 8' - extension, Cor de Gabriel 4' - extension, Millenial Trumpet 16' - van Great Organ, Millenial Trumpet 8' - extension, Millenial Trumpet 4' - extension.
Ancillary Organ I: Principal 16' - Ancillary Pedal, Principal 8' - extension, Spitzflöte 8', Spitzflöte Celeste 8', Octave 4', Super Octave 2', Mixture 4-5 ranks (1 1/3').
Trompeteria Organ II: Herald Trumpet 16', Herald Trumpet 8' - extension, Herald Trumpet 4' - extension, Buccina 16' - van Bombarde Organ, Trompette Harmonique 8' - van Bombarde Organ, Clairon Harmonique 4' - van Bombarde Organ.
Ancillary Organ II: Montre 16' - Ancillary Pedal, Montre 8' - extension, Bourdon 8', Prestant 4', Gedackt 4', Doublette 2', Fourniture 4-5 ranks (1').
Celestial Organ (enclosed): Fern Flute 8', Voix Séraphique 8' (2 ranks), Vox Amorosa 8' (2 ranks), Divinare 4', Vox Humana 8', Tremulant.
Pedal Organ (C-g'): Contre Principal 32', Flûte Ouverte 32' - extension, Contra Violone 32', Contre Bourdon 32' - extension, Grave Diapente 21 1/3', Flûte Ouverte 16', Principal 16' - extension, Violone 16' - extension, Bourdon 16', Montre 16' - van Great Organ, Pommer 16' - van Great Organ, Gemshorn 16' - van Choir Organ, Quintaten 16' - van Positiv Organ, Bourdon Doux 16' - van Swell Organ, Gambe 16' - van Swell Organ, Cello 16' (2 ranks) - van Solo Organ, Grossquinte 10 2/3' - extension, Octave 8', Hohlflöte 8', Bourdon 8' - extension, Spitzflöte 8', Quinte 5 1/3' - extension, Choral Bass 4', Spillflöte 4', Spitzflöte 4' - extension, Spillflöte 2' - extension, Rauschpfeife 5 ranks (2 2/3'), Mixture 7 ranks (1 1/3'), Fagotto Cornet 5 ranks (64') - extension, Grand Cornet 5 ranks (32') - extension, Contre Bombarde 32', Contra Fagotto 32' - van Choir Organ, Bombarde 16' - extension, Posaune 16' - van Great Organ, Contre Trompette 16' - van Swell Organ, Bassoon 16' - van Swell Organ, Fagotto 16' - van Choir Organ, Dulzian 16' - van Positiv Organ, Buccina 16' - van Bombarde Organ, Trompette 8', Trompete 8' - van Great Organ, Bassoon 8' - van Swell Organ, Krummhorn 8' - van Positiv Organ, Trompette Harmonique 8' - van Bombarde Organ, Clairon 4' - extension, Clairon Harmonique 4' - van Bombarde Organ, Rohr Schalmei 4', Zink 2' - extension, Tremulant - voor Spitzflöte, Spillflöte en Rohr Schalmei, Chimes (25 notes) - van Solo Organ, Harp 8' (32 notes), Bourdon Bells 16' (32 notes), Bourdon Bells 8' (32 notes), Flemish Bells 8'.
Autres: Carillon Inside, Carillon Outside.
Accouplements: Great to Pedal, Swell to Pedal, Swell to Pedal 4', Choir to Pedal, Choir to Pedal 4', Positiv to Pedal, Solo to Pedal, Solo to Pedal 4', Bombarde to Pedal, Swell to Great 16', Swell to Great, Swell to Great 4', Choir to Great 16', Choir to Great, Choir to Great 4', Positiv to Great 16', Positiv to Great, Solo to Great 16', Solo to Great, Solo to Great 4', Bombarde to Great, Great to Choir, Swell to Choir 16', Swell to Choir, Swell to Choir 4', Positiv to Choir 16', Positiv to Choir, Solo to Choir 16', Solo to Choir, Solo to Choir 4', Bombarde to Choir, Choir to Swell, Choir to Swell 4', Positiv to Swell 16', Positiv to Swell, Solo to Swell, Solo to Swell 4', Bombarde to Swell, Bombarde on IV, Great on IV, Great Unison Off, Positiv Suboctave, Positiv Unison Off, Swell Suboctave, Swell Superoctave, Swell Unison Off, Choir Suboctave, Choir Superoctave, Choir Unison Off, Solo Suboctave, Solo Superoctave, Solo Unison Off, Bombarde Unison Off, Celestial Suboctave, Celestial Superoctave.
Jouer conseils: Choir/Positiv-transfer, 24 memories (Solid State Logic), 20 Full Organ Pistons, 12 Great Pistons, 10 Positiv Pistons, 12 Swell Pistons, 10 Choir Pistons, 10 Solo Pistons, 6 Bombarde Pistons, 8 Trompeteria and Ancillary I Pistons, 8 Trompeteria and Ancillary II Pistons, 12 Pedal Pistons, 16 Coupler Pistons, 4 Gospel Pistons, 4 Celestial Pistons, General Cancel, Combination Adjuster, Memory Selecter, General Crescendo, Pedal FFF, Transposer, Mixtures Silent, Reeds Silent, Manual 16' and Pedal 32' Silent, Silencer Cancel, Celestes Off, Tremulants Off.

  • A Thousand Voices / J. Marty Cope. - CD. - 2008.
  • The power and the glory / Dan Miller. - DSDS CD-694 (CD). - 1994.
  • Hymns / Dan Miller. - DSDS CD-991 (CD). - 1991.
  • Christmas Joy / Dan Miller. - DSDS CD-990 (CD). - 1990.
  • The Calvary grand organ dedication / Dan Miller. - DSDS CD-890 (CD). - 1990.
Lièns https://www.danmillermusic.com/calvary-organ.html
YouTube Calvary Church Pipe Organ - A Mighty Fortress / J. Marty Cope (2008)