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Description complète d'orgue sélectionné
Photo: C.B. Fisk, Inc.

Photo: C.B. Fisk, Inc.

Winston-Salem, USA (North-Carolina) - North-Carolina School of Arts
Commune: Winston-Salem
Région:Forsyth County
Adresse: 1533 South Main Street, 27127, Winston-Salem, NC
Site Web: http://www.ncarts.edu/

Description no.: 2002682.

Bâti par: C.B. Fisk Inc. (1977) - opus 75

In 1977 Charles Fisk built a three manual organ for the North Carolina School of Arts in Winston-Salem. The reeds are made in French style. What is special is that the swell doors of the Swell Organ are situated in the roof of the organ case.

Données techniques
Nombre de registres par manuel
- Great11
- Choir7
- Swell7
- Pedal6
Nombre de jeux total31
Transmission des clésMechanical
Transmission des jeuxMechanical
Sommier(s)Slider chests

Great (C-g'''): Bourdon 16', Prestant 8', Spire Flute 8', Octave 4', Superoctave 2', Flute 2', Cornet 2 ranks, Mixture 4-6 ranks, Trumpet 8', Voix Humaine 8', Clairon 4'.
Choir (C-g'''): Gedackt 8', Prestant 4', Chimney Flute 4', Doublet 2', Sesquialter 3 ranks, Sharp 4 ranks, Cromorne 8'.
Swell (C-g'''): Violin Diapason 8', Stopt Diapason 8', Spitzflute 4', Fourniture 3 ranks (2'), Cornet 3-4 ranks, Trumpet 8', Hautbois 8'.
Pedal (C-f'): Prestant 16', Octave 8', Mixtur 4 ranks (4'), Bassoon 16', Trumpet 8', Shawm 4'.
Accouplements: Choir to Great, Swell to Great, Swell to Choir, Great to Pedal, Choir to Pedal, Swell to Pedal.
Jouer conseils: Tremblant Doux.

Mixture 4-6 ranks (Great) C: 1 1/3' - 1' - 1/2' - 1/3'. c°: 1 1/3' - 1' - 2/3' - 1/2'. fìs°: 2 2/3' - 1 1/3' - 1' - 2/3' - 1/2'. c': 2 2/3' - 2' - 1 1/3' - 1' - 2/3'. fis': 2 2/3' - 2' - 1 1/3' - 1 1/3' - 1'. c'': 4' - 2 2/3' - 2 2/3' - 2' - 1 1/3' - 1 1/3'. c''': 8' - 5 1/3' - 4' - 2'.
Cornet 2 ranks (Great) C: 1 3/5' - 1 1/3'. c': 2 2/3' - 1 3/5'. c''': 3 1/5' - 2 2/3'.
Sharp 4 ranks (Choir) C: 1' - 2/3' - 1/2' - 1/3'. c°: 1 1/3' - 1' - 2/3' - 1/2'. c': 2' - 1 1/3' - 1' - 2/3'. fis': 2 2/3' - 2' - 1 1/3' - 1'. c'': 4' - 2 2/3' - 2' - 1 1/3'. gis'': 5 1/3' - 4' - 2 2/3' - 2'.
Sesquialter 3 ranks (Choir) C: 2 2/3' - 2' - 1 3/5'. c''': 3 1/5' - 2 2/3' - 2'.
Fourniture 3 ranks (Swell) C: 2' - 2/3' - 1/2'. c°: 2' - 1' - 2/3'. fis': 2 2/3' - 2' - 1'. fis'': 4' - 2 2/3' - 2'.
Cornet 3-4 ranks (Swell) C: 1 3/5' - 1 1/3' - 1'. c°: 2 2/3' - 1 3/5' - 1 1/3'. c': 4' - 2 2/3' - 1 3/5 - 1 1/3'. c''': 4' - 2 2/3' - 2'.
Mixture 4 ranks (Pedal) C: 4' - 2' - 1 1/3' - 1'.
Lièns http://cbfisk.com/opus/opus-75