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Ausführliche Beschreibung der vorgewählten Orgel
Quelle: Het Orgelblad, mei 1960.

Quelle: Het Orgelblad, mei 1960

New York City, USA (New York) - Riverside Church
Gemeinde: New York
Adresse: 490 Riverside Drive, 10027, New York, NY
Website: https://www.trcnyc.org/

Beschreibung nr.: 2000332.

Gebaut von: Aeolian-Skinner Organ Company (1953) - Opus 1118

1953 Aeolian-Skinner Organ Company1118 Neubau
1967 Aeolian-Skinner Organ Company  Vergrößerung
1996 F.L. Pearson  Restaurierung

Technische Daten
Anzahl Register pro Manual
- Chancel Organ Choir24 (22)
- Chancel Organ Great23 (20)
- Chancel Organ Swell30 (27)
- Chancel Organ Solo12 (11)
- Chancel Organ Positiv9
- Chancel Organ Bombarde6 (2)
- Chancel Organ Pedal37 (13)
- Gallery Organ Great9
- Gallery Organ Grand Chorus3
- Gallery Organ Swell14
- Gallery Organ Celestial9
- Gallery Organ Pedal13 (5)
Gesamtzahl der Stimmen189 (144)

Manual I (C-c''''):
Chancel Organ - Choir (enclosed): Quintaton 16', Viola Pomposa 8', Viola Céleste 8', Dulcett 8' (2 ranks), Concert Flute 8', Cor de Nuit 8', Erzähler 8', Erzähler Céleste 8', Prinzipal 4', Koppelflöte 4', Rohrnasat 2 2/3', Zauberflöte 2', Tierce 1 3/5', Larigot 1 1/3', Sifflöte 1', Cornet 5 ranks - samengesteld, Mixtur 3-4 ranks (1'), Zimbel 3 ranks (1/4'), Jeu de Clochette 2 ranks (2/5'), Serpent 16', Petite Trompette 8', Festival Trumpet 8' - van Bombarde, Krummhorn 8', Schalmei 4', Tremulant, Harp, Celesta, Nachtigall.
Manual II (C-c''''):
Chancel Organ - Great: Manual Untersatz 32' - gereserveerd, Brummbass 16' - gereserveerd, Violone 16', Diapason 8', Prinzipal 8', Flûte Octaviante 8', Holzgedackt 8', Gemshorn 8', Quinte 5 1/3', Octave 4', Spitzprinzipal 4', Flûte Ouverte 4', Octave Quinte 2 2/3', Superoktave 2', Blockflöte 2', Tierce 1 3/5', Kleine Mixtur 4 ranks (1 1/3'), Fourniture 5-7 ranks (1 1/3'), Scharf 4 ranks (1/2'), Grand Chorus 7 ranks - van Gallery Great, Posaune 16', Trompete 8', Klarine 4', Tremulant, Chimes, Harp, Celesta.
Gallery Organ - Great: Quintade 16', Principal 8', Flûte Harmonique 8', Octave 4', Flûte à Cheminée 4', Fifteenth 2', Fourniture 4 ranks (1 1/3'), Trompette 8', Trompeta Majestatis 8', Tremulant, Chimes.
Gallery Organ - Grand Chorus: Diapason 8', Major Octave 4', Grand Plein Jeu 5 ranks.
Manual III (C-c''''):
Chancel Organ - Swell (enclosed): Contre Gambe 16' - extension, Gambe 8', Flûte Conique 8', Rohrbordun 8', Montre 8', Viole de Gambe 8', Viole Céleste 8' (from G), Rohrflöte 8', Flauto Dolce 8', Flûte Céleste 8' (TC), Prestant 4', Flûte Harmonique 4', Unda Maris 4' (2 ranks), Nasard 2 2/3', Doublette 2', Spillflöte 2', Tierce 1 3/5', Cornet 5 ranks - samengesteld, Dolce Mixture 3-5 ranks (2'), Plein Jeu 4 ranks (1 1/3'), Cymbale 4 ranks (2/3'), Contre Trompette 16', Trompette 8', Hautbois 8', Oboe d'Amour 8', Clarinet 8', Menschenstimme 8', Clairon 4', Octave Trumpet 4', Tremulant, Trompeta Majestatis 8' - van Gallery Great.
Gallery Organ - Swell (enclosed): Bourdon 16', Gedekt 8', Voix Céleste 8' (TC), Aeoline 8', Vox Angelica 8' (TC), Octave Geigen 4', Flûte Octaviante 4', Doublette 2', Sesquialtera 2 ranks (2 2/3'), Plein Jeu 4 ranks (1'), Fagotto 16', Trompete 8', Hautbois 4', Tremulant.
Manual IV (C-c''''):
Chancel Organ - Solo (enclosed): Gambe 8', Gambe Céleste 8', Doppelflöte 8', Orchestral Flute 4', Quinte Flute 2 2/3', Fife 2', Corno di Bassetto 16', Trompette Harmonique 8', French Horn 8', Orchestral Oboe 8', Clairon Harmonique 4', Cornet des Bombardes 5 ranks - van Bombarde, Tremulant, Chimes (g-g''), Chimes Forte, Celesta - van Choir, Zimbelstern.
Chancel Organ - Positiv: Prinzipal 8', Singend Gedackt 8', Oktav 4', Rohrflöte 4', Superoktave 2', Larigot 1 1/3', Mixtur 5 ranks (1 1/3'), Terzzymbel 3 ranks (1/3'), Trichterregal 8', Tremulant.
Manual V (C-c''''):
Chancel Organ - Bombarde: Mounted Cornet 5 ranks, Tremolo, Festival Trumpet 16' - extension, Festival Trumpet 8', Festival Trumpet 4' - extension, Tuba Mirabilis 8' - gereserveerd, Trompeta Majestatis 8' - van Gallery Great.
Gallery Organ - Celestial (enclosed): Viola Aetheria 8', Viole Céleste 8', Flûte Céleste 8' (2 ranks) (TC), Cor de Nuit 8', Flûte Traversière 4', Nasat 2 2/3', Cor d'Amour 8', Cromorne 8', Voix Humaine 8', Tremolo, Harp Séraphique - gereserveerd, Harpe Forte - gereserveerd.
Pedal (C-g'):
Chancel Organ - Pedal: Contre Basse 32' - extension, Contra Bourdon 32' - extension, Contre Gambe 32' - van Swell, Contre Basse 16', Prinzipal 16', Violone 16' - van Great, Gambe 16' - van Swell, Flûte Conique 16' - van Swell, Bourdon 16', Rohrbourdon 16' - van Swell, Quintaton 16' - van Choir, Prinzipal 8', Spitzprinzipal 8', Cello 8' - van Great, Flûte Octaviante 8' - van Great, Bourdon 8' - extension, Rohrflöte 8' - van Swell, Quinte 5 1/3', Choralbass 4', Nachthorn 4', Flöte 4' - van Great, Rohrflöte 4' - van Swell, Blockflöte 2' - van Great, Mixture 3 ranks (2 2/3'), Cymbel 3 ranks (1'), Harmonics 6 ranks (32') - van Swell en Great, Contre Bombarde 32' - extension, Bombarde 16', Rankett 16', Contre Trompette 16' - van Swell, Serpent 16' - van Choir, Trumpet 8', Rankett 8' - extension, Clarion 4' - extension, Trompette 4' - van Solo, Rankett 4' - extension, Trompeta Majestatis 8' - van Gallery Great, Chimes - van Solo.
Gallery Organ - Pedal: Open Wood 16', Prinzipal 16', Bourdon 16', Lieblich Gedeckt 16' - van Gallery Swell, Quintade 16' - van Gallery Great, Octave 8', Pommer 8' - extension, Superoctave 4' - extension, Mixture 3 ranks (2'), Grand Cornet 6 ranks (32') - van Gallery Pedal en Swell, Bombarde 16' - extension, Fagotto 16' - extension, Trompette 8' - van Gallery Swell.
Chancel Organ: Choir to Great (16', 8' en 4'), Swell to Great (16', 8' en 4'), Solo to Great (16', 8' en 4'), Bombarde to Great (16', 8' en 4'), Positiv to Great (16', 8' en 4'), Swell to Choir (16', 8' en 4'), Solo to Choir (8' en 4'), Solo to Swell (8' en 4'), Choir to Swell (8' en 4'), Great to Pedal (8' en 4'), Choir to Pedal (8' en 4'), Swell to Pedal (8' en 4'), Solo to Pedal (8' en 4'), Bombarde to Pedal (8' en 4'), Pedal to Great, Choir to Choir (16' en 4'), Swell to Swell (16' en 4'), Choir Unison Off, Swell Unison Off.
Gallery Organ: Swell to Great (16', 8' en 4'), Swell to Choir (16', 8' en 4'), Great to Swell (16', 8' en 4'), Choir to Swell (16', 8' en 4'), Great to Pedal (8' en 4'), Swell to Pedal (8' en 4').
Nebenregister und Spielhilfen: 20 general pistons on 32 levels, 4-14 manual pistons.

  • The Organs at the Riverside Church. - Brochure.
  • Gala Concert in celebration of the completion of the organ : Wednesday, Mat 3, 1967 : Eight-fifteen in the evening. - New York City : Riverside Church in the City, 1967.
  • 38. Orgelstudienfahrt (USA) : 16. September - 3. Oktober 1996 / Hans Uwe Hielscher. - [Wiesbaden] : [Hans Uwe Hielscher], 1996.
  • The Riverside years / Frederick Swann. - Gothic Records G 49082 (CD).
  • Comes Summertime : 5 live recitals from Summer '98. - JAV Records JAV-112 (CD).
  • Virgil Fox : Memorial Concert / Various organists. - Gothic Records 649122 (CD). - 2000.
  • Riverside Revisited / Frederick Swann. - Gothic Records G 49086 (CD).
  • On a Summer's Evening / Timothy Smith. - JAV Records JAV-107 (CD).
  • The Art of Virgil Fox : Volume III, Organ music from France / Virgil Fox. - EMI CDM 5 66386 24 (CD). - 1997. - Historical recordings.
  • The Art of Virgil Fox : Volume II / Virgil Fox. - EMI CDM 5 65913 25 (CD). - 1995. - Historical recordings.
  • The Art of Virgil Fox / Virgil Fox. - EMI CDM 5 65426 24 (CD). - 1994. - Historical recordings.
  • Encores : Bach Widor Purcell Handel / Virgil Fox. - RCA Victor 09026-61251-2 (CD). - 1993. - Recording from 1958.
  • Riverside 97 / Timothy Smith. - Pro Organo CD 7097.
  • The Riverside Church / John Walker. - Gothic Records G 18517 (CD).
  • Soli Deo Gloria : Virgil Fox (1912-1980) / Virgil Fox. - Bainbridge BCD 8005. - 1990. - Registration of a live concert of 1979.
  • John Walker and the Riverside organ / John Walker. - Pro Organo CD 7016. - 1990.
  • Virgil Fox - J.S. Bach - César Frank - Music for Organ (Rediscovery) (CD).
  • Virgil Fox Encores / Virgil Fox. - RCA Living Presence 266 12512.
  • A Virgil Fox Christmas / Virgil Fox. - EMI CDM 5 66088 2.
  • Frederick Swann plays Franck : Three Chorales - Pièce Héroïque / Frederick Swann. - Gothic Records 87879801 (LP). - 1979.
  • Music from Riverside : The organs / Frederick Swann. - Vista VPS 1070 (LP). - 1978.
  • Virgil Fox bespeelt het orgel van de Riverside Church te New York. - Capitol P. 8544 (LP).

Bild: Piet Bron. Datering: 13 augustus 2017.
Bild: Piet Bron