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Ausführliche Beschreibung der vorgewählten Orgel
Quelle: Brochure 'The French Symphonic Organ at Artisten'.

Quelle: Brochure 'The French Symphonic Organ at Artisten'

Göteborg, Sverige (Västra Götalands län) - Göteborgs Universitet, Högskolan for Scen och Musik, Orgelsal 'Artisten'
Gemeinde: Göteborgs Kommun
Region:Västergötland, Göteborg og Bohus
Adresse: Fågelsången 1, 412 56, Göteborg
Website: https://www.gu.se/scen-musik

Beschreibung nr.: 2000021.

Gebaut von: Verschueren Orgelbouw (1998) - Opus 1055

  • Verschueren was commissioned to build a French-romantic organ in the style and tradition of Cavaillé-Coll for the concert hall 'Artisten' of Goteborgs Universitet. Consultants were Jacques van Oortmerssen, Hans Davidsson and Paul Peeters. A three-manual concert organ with 43 stops was designed. The organ was inaugurated in December 1998. The hall is quite small, which makes the organ relatively large. All works are equipped with double windchests, for the Jeux de Fonds and the Jeux de Combinaison (with the pedal: Jeux d'Anches). The Grand Orgue is equipped with a Barker machine.
  • The organ has been inaugurated with a festival from 29 until 31 May 1998. Consultants were Jacques van Oortmerssen and Hans van Nieuwkoop.

Technische Daten
Anzahl Register pro Manual
- Grand Orgue11
- Positif Expressif11
- Récit Expressif13
- Pédale8
Gesamtzahl der Stimmen43
Windlade(n)Slider chests
Tonhöhea' = 440 Hz
TemperaturEqual temperament
Winddruck85 mm (Positif), 90 mm (Grand Orgue, Récit Jeux de Fonds, Pédale), 100 mm (Récit Jeux de Combinaisons)

Grand Orgue (C-a'''):
Jeux de fonds: Principal 16', Montre 8', Violon 8', Bourdon 8', Flûte Harmonique 8', Prestant 4'.
Jeux de Combinaison: Quinte 2 2/3', Doublette 2', Cornet 4 rangs, Plein-Jeu 4-5 rangs, Trompette 8'.
Positif Expressif (C-a'''):
Jeux de fonds: Cor de Nuit 8', Salicional 8', Flûte Traversière 8' (from c°), Prestant 4', Flûte Douce 4', Cor Anglais 16'.
Jeux de Combinaison: Nazard 2 2/3', Quarte de Nazard 2', Tierce 1 3/5', Plein-Jeu 3-4 rangs, Cromorne 8', Trémolo.
Récit Expressif (C-a'''):
Jeux de fonds: Bourdon 16', Flûte Harmonique 8', Viole de Gambe 8', Voix Céleste 8' (from c°), Flûte Octaviante 4', Basson-Hautbois 8', Voix Humaine 8'.
Jeux de Combinaison: Nazard 2 2/3', Octavin 2', Piccolo 1', Basson 16', Trompette Harmonique 8', Clairon Harmonique 4', Trémolo.
Pédale (C-g'):
Jeux de fonds: Basse Acoustique 32', Contrebasse 16', Soubasse 16', Flûte 8', Octave 4'.
Jeux d'Anches: Bombarde 16', Trompette 8', Clairon 4'.
Koppeln: Tirasse Grand Orgue, Tirasse Positif, Tirasse Récit, Grand Orgue - Positif, Grand Orgue - Récit, Positif - Récit, Octaves Graves Grand Orgue.
Nebenregister und Spielhilfen: Combinaisons, Anches Pédale, Anches Grand Orgue, Anches Positif, Orage.

  • Orgelbouwnieuws : Göteborg Organ Art Center (GoArt), hoofdorgel van de concertzaal. - In: De Orgelkrant, jrg. 3 nr. 1, januari 1998.
  • Orgelbouwnieuws : Gotenburg, Orgelzaal Conservatorium. - In: De Orgelkrant, jrg. 3, nr. 6, juni 1998.
  • Ars Organi 2/1999.
  • Muziek, onderwijs en onderzoek gaan samen in Göteborg / Bert Wisgerhof. - In: De Orgelvriend, jrg. 41, no.12, december 1999.
  • Echo : Europae Civitaties Historicorum Organorum : European Cities of Historical Organs / Reinhard Jaud [red.]. - Innsbruck ; Göteborg : ECHO, 2002.
Aufnahmen The French symphonic organ at Artisten / Jacques van Oortmerssen. - Vanguard Classics 99206 (CD). - 1999.
Weblinks http://www.verschuerenorgelbouw.nl/opus1055.html

Quelle: Brochure 'The French Symphonic Organ at Artisten'.
Quelle: Brochure 'The French Symphonic Organ at Artisten'
Quelle: Brochure 'The French Symphonic Organ at Artisten'.
Quelle: Brochure 'The French Symphonic Organ at Artisten'
Quelle: Brochure 'The French Symphonic Organ at Artisten'.
Quelle: Brochure 'The French Symphonic Organ at Artisten'
Quelle: Brochure 'The French Symphonic Organ at Artisten'.
Quelle: Brochure 'The French Symphonic Organ at Artisten'