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Description complète d'orgue sélectionné
Source: Friesch Dagblad. Datation: 1965.

Source: Friesch Dagblad

Gauw, Nederland (Fryslân) - Gereformeerde Kerk
Commune: Súdwest-Fryslân
Adresse: Boeijengastrjitte 73, 8627 SE, Gauw

Description no.: 1010946.

Bâti par: Builder unknown (1917)
Demolished? (1990)

1917 Builder unknown  orgue neuf
1939 Durk Bakker  activités différentes
1947 Builder unknown  restauration
1965 Piet Zwart  restauration
1965 Piet Millenaar  restauration

  • In 1896 a new "Gereformeerde Kerk" was inaugurated in Gauw. A pipe organ was installed in the church in 1917, which was probably not new. The instrument was overhauled in 1939 by Durk Bakker, a watchmaker in the village. It was restored just after 1945. A renovation was carried out in 1964-1965 by Piet Zwart and Piet Millenaar. The windchest and the bellows have been renewed by them, a number of pipes have been replaced and a new wind motor has been installed. The organ was put into use on Whit Monday, June 7, 1965. On this occasion it was played by Piet Zwart.
  • The church closed in 1990. The building has been sold and converted into storage space. The organ is most likely broken down.

  • Orgel geref. kerk te Gauw gerestaureerd. - In: Friesch Dagblad, dinsdag 8 juni 1965.
  • Geref. kerk in Gauw heeft een nieuw orgel. - In: Sneeker Nieuwsblad, donderdag 10 juni 1965.