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Ausführliche Beschreibung der vorgewählten Orgel
Posterholt, Nederland (Limburg (Nederlands)) - Kerk van de Heilige Matthias
Gemeinde: Roerdalen
Adresse: Hoofdstraat 72, 6061 CE, Posterholt

Beschreibung nr.: 1010940.

Gebaut von: Gebroeders Vermeulen (1952)
Replaced (1977)

  • In 1877-1878 a new parish church was built in Posterholt, designed in the Gothic Revival style by Johannes Kayser. The church was enlarged in 1926 after a design by his son, Jules Kayser. In 1885 the Gebroeders Franssen built a two-manual organ for the church. It had no visible prospect pipes. The pedal was attached. It is possible that the organ was converted and expanded in 1926.
  • The church building was blown up in 1945 during the war. The ruins have since been cleared away, and a new church has been built elsewhere in the village. This church was built according to a design by Frits Peutz. The building was consecrated on December 16, 1951, and the tower was built around 1960. At the end of 1952 a small organ was consecrated in the new church, built by the company Gebr. Vermeulen from Weert. It had eight registers on the manual and an independent pedal with a Subbass. This organ was replaced in 1977 by a larger one. It is not known what happened to the Vermeulen organ.

Technische Daten
Anzahl Register pro Manual
- Manuaal8
- Pedaal1
Gesamtzahl der Stimmen9
Windlade(n)Cone chests

Manuaal: Prestant 8', Fluit Harmoniek 8', Salicionaal 8', Bourdon 8', Octaaf 4', Fluit 4', Quint 2 2/3', Piccolo 2'.
Pedaal: Subbas 16'.

Literatur Orgelnieuws. - In: Sint Gregoriusblad, jaargang 74, nummer 2, februari 1953.