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Description complète d'orgue sélectionné
Photo: Tjalling Roosjen. Datation: 17 August 2013.

Photo: Tjalling Roosjen

Wijdenes, Nederland (Noord-Holland) - Hervormde Kerk
Commune: Drechterland
Adresse: Kerkbuurt 70, 1608 EN, Wijdenes

Description no.: 1009151.

Bâti par: Hendrik Jan van der Molen (ca. 1890)
Dismantled (1975)

  • The organ of the former Hervormde Kerk in Wijdenes was an instrument from around 1890. The builder is unknown, but probably Van der Molen from Steenwijk, according to inscriptions inside the organ. The windchest of the second manual was an old windchest of a cabinet organ. Three stops were installed later. On the second manual, one slide was spare.
  • After closure of the church in 1974-1975, the organ has been dismantled and sold in parts. The church has been sold and is in use as a mansion today.

Données techniques
Nombre de registres par manuel
- Manuaal I7
- Manuaal II3
- Pedaalaangehangen
Nombre de jeux total10
Transmission des clésMechanical
Transmission des jeuxMechanical
Sommier(s)Slider chests

Manuaal I: Bourdon 16', Prestant 8', Bourdon 8' - new, Octaaf 4', Quint 3', Octaaf 2', Trompet 8'.
Manuaal II: Holpijp 8', Gamba 8' - new, Celeste 8' - new, Tremulant.
Pedaal: Aangehangen.
Accouplements: Manuaalkoppel.

Autres sources
  • Dispositieverzameling Cor Kroonenberg (notatie Jan Jongepier)
  • Wim Poot