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Description complète d'orgue sélectionné
Photo: Janco Schout. Datation: 6 December 2006.

Photo: Janco Schout

Ede, Nederland (Gelderland) - Beatrixkerk, koororgel
Commune: Ede
Adresse: Beatrixlaan 54, 6713 PT, Ede

Description no.: 1008387.

Bâti par: dhr. Van der Kooi (ca. 1990)
Removed from the church (2010)

  • Mr Van der Kooi from Boskoop built an organ for his own living room in the early 1990s. The firm of Louis J. Kramer assisted with the work. The organ was purchased in 1996 by Wim Koelewijn, one of the organists of the Beatrix Church in Ede. The instrument was installed as a choir organ in the Beatrix Church, where it was put into use on January 30, 1997.
  • During a redesign and renovation of the church hall in 2010, it turned out that there was no longer a suitable place for the choir organ. Wim Koelewijn then donated the organ to a (former) fellow organist of the Beatrix Church, Wim Tuenter. He moved to the Achterhoek and took the organ with him.

Données techniques
Nombre de registres par manuel
- Manuaal5
Nombre de jeux total5
Transmission des clésMechanical
Transmission des jeuxMechanical
Sommier(s)Slider chests

Manuaal (C-f'''): Gamba 8' (discant), Holpijp 8' (B/D), Fluit 4' (B/D), Octaaf 2' (B/D), Flageolet 1' (B/D).
Jouer conseils: Forte.

Références Orgels in Ede / Erik van der Heijden. - Ede : [Comité Open Orgeldag], 2004.
Autres sources
  • Anton Kanis

Photo: Janco Schout. Datation: 6 December 2006.
Photo: Janco Schout
Photo: Janco Schout. Datation: 6 December 2006.
Photo: Janco Schout
Photo: Janco Schout. Datation: 6 December 2006.
Photo: Janco Schout
Photo: Janco Schout. Datation: 6 December 2006.
Photo: Janco Schout