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Ausführliche Beschreibung der vorgewählten Orgel
Bild: Klaas Haaijema. Datering: 25 June 2018.

Bild: Klaas Haaijema

Ellecom, Nederland (Gelderland) - Huisorgel Klaas Haaijema
Gemeinde: Rheden

Beschreibung nr.: 1005744.

Gebaut von: Klaas Haaijema (1988)

Klaas Haaijema from Rheden built a house pipe organ with six ranks. The organ has no pedal. On October 15, 1988 it was inaugurated with an informal concert, in which his son Erik played, among other things. Adriaan van Rossum and Piet Cnossen, organist of the Rheden village church, also played some works. Later Mr. Haaijema moved to Ellecom, where the organ is now (2003).

Technische Daten
Anzahl Register pro Manual
- Manuaal6
Gesamtzahl der Stimmen6
Windlade(n)Slider chests

Manuaal (C-f'''): Holpijp 8' (B/D), Gamba 8' (Discant), Fluit 4' (B/D), Quint 3' (Discant), Woudfluit 2' (B/D), Terts 1 3/5' (Discant).

Literatur Orgelbouwnieuws : Zelfbouw orgel in Ede / Dick Rosenboom. - In: De Orgelvriend, jrg. 31 nr. 7/8, juli/augustus 1989.
Übrige Quellen
  • Janco Schout