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Description complète d'orgue sélectionné
Photo: Tjalling Roosjen. Datation: 16 November 2010.

Photo: Tjalling Roosjen

Heiloo, Nederland (Noord-Holland) - Witte Kerkje
Commune: Heiloo
Adresse: Heerenweg 32, 1851 KS, Heiloo
Site Web: https://wittekerk-heiloo.nl/

Description no.: 1002645.

Bâti par: firma D.A. Flentrop (1966)
L'orgue comprend le parent le matériel: Organ case de ca. 1740 de Builder unknown

ca. 1740 Builder unknown  orgue neuf
1863 L. Ypma & Co.  transfer
1926 Builder unknown  restauration et expansion
1936 Hendrick Wicher Flentrop  orgue neuf dans buffet vieille
1966 firma D.A. Flentrop  orgue neuf dans buffet vieille

  • Around 1740, an organ was built for the Sint Matthias Church in Alkmaar, a Roman Catholic hidden church on the Sint Jacobsstraat. The maker is unknown. After the consecration of the new Sint Laurentius Church in 1862, the hidden church was closed. The organ was transferred to the Reformed Church in Heiloo by Lodewijk Ypma in 1862-1863. According to some sources, this organ would originally have had two manuals, but that seems to be incorrect.
  • In 1926 the organ was restored and expanded with a Bourdon 16' and a Voix Céleste 8'. It was then put back into use on April 4, 1926, Easter Sunday, with a concert by Mr W.H. Slinger from Alkmaar together with Miss Teunissen. It is not stated who carried out the work, but it may have been Hendrik Wicher Flentrop.
  • Hendrik Wicher Flentrop built a new pneumatic organ behind the old front in 1936. Only the old prospect pipes remained, the rest of the pipework has been made new. The Bourdon 16' and the Voix Céleste from 1926 have probably been reinstalled.
  • In 1966, D.A. Flentrop carried out a restoration of the organ case, and a new mechanical interior was also installed, in style matching the construction period of the case. It has eleven stops on the manual and attached pedal.

Court sommaire des endroits où l'orgue s'est trouvé
ca. 1740AlkmaarRooms-Katholieke Schuilkerk Sint Matthias
1863HeilooHervormde Kerk

Données techniques
Nombre de registres par manuel
- Manuaal11
- Pedaalaangehangen
Nombre de jeux total11
Transmission des clésMechanical
Transmission des jeuxMechanical
Sommier(s)Slider chests
Hauteur tonalea' = 440 Hz
TempératureEqual temperament
Presse de Vent70 mm

Manuaal (C-g''', division entre b°/c'): Prestant 8' (discant), Quintadena 8', Holpijp 8' (B/D), Prestant 4', Roerfluit 4' (B/D), Octaaf 2', Quint 1 1/3' (bas), Flageolet 1', Sexquialtera II sterk (2 2/3'+1 3/5') (discant), Mixtuur III sterk (1 1/3') (B/D), Dulciaan 8' (B/D).
Pedaal (C-f'): Aangehangen.

Mixtuur III sterk C: 1 1/3' - 1' - 2/3'. c°: 2' - 1 1/3' - 1'. c': 2 2/3' - 2' - 1 1/3'. c'': 4' - 2 2/3' - 2'.
Autres données des dispositions
Autres dispositions
  • The specification in Alkmaar was, according to Hess, 1774:
    Manuaal: Praestant 8' (discant), Holpyp 8', Praestant 4', Gemshoorn 4', Rhoer-fluit 4', Quint-Praestant 3', Quint-Fluit 3', Octaav 2', Flajoelet, Sexquialtra, Voxhumana 8', Tremulant.

  • The organ of H.W. Flentrop from 1936 had the following stop list:
    Manuaal (C-f'''): Prestant 8', Holpijp 8', Gamba 8', Voix Céleste 8', Octaaf 4', Roerfluit 4', Mixtuur III sterk, Tremulant.
    Pedaal (C-d'): Bourdon 16'.
    Speelhulpen: Pedaalkoppel, Superoctaafkoppel.

  • Dispositien der merkwaardigste kerk-orgelen welken in de zeven vereenigde provincien als mede in Duytsland en elders aangetroffen worden (Gouda, 1774) / Joachim Hess. - Facsimile herdruk, verzorgd door Arend Jan Gierveld. - Buren : Frits Knuf, 1980. - (Bibliotheca Organologica ; volume XI).
  • Nieuwe en Herstelde Orgels: Heilo (Ned. Herv. Kerk). - In: Het Orgel, 23 Jaargang No. 8, Mei 1926.
  • Bij de foto's / Jan Jongepier. - In: Het Orgel, jrg. 63 nr. 10, oktober 1967.
  • Vakantie. - In: De Orgelvriend, jrg. 15 nr. 7/8, juli/augustus 1973.
  • Klinkend langs de duinvoet : kerkelijke bouwkunst, orgels en klokken in Heiloo, Egmond, Bergen en Schoorl / Co Groenewoud. - Schoorl: Uitgeverij Pirola, 1987.
  • Orgelbeschrijvingen door George Hendricus Broekhuyzen Senior (handschrift ca 1850-1862) : Deel II (commentaar) (letters A-K) / Arend Jan Gierveld. - Amsterdam : Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis, 1993. - (Bouwstenen voor een geschiedenis der toonkunst in de Nederlanden ; 5-1).
  • Het historische orgel in Nederland 1726 - 1769 / dr. Hans van Nieuwkoop (eindred.). - Amsterdam : Stichting NIvO, 1997. - (Encyclopedie Het Historische Orgel in Nederland ; 2).
Lièns https://www.hvheiloo.nl/witte-kerk/

Photo: Janco Schout. Datation: 3 May 2005.
Photo: Janco Schout
Photo: Janco Schout. Datation: 3 May 2005.
Photo: Janco Schout
Photo: Tjalling Roosjen. Datation: 16 November 2010.
Photo: Tjalling Roosjen
Photo: Janco Schout. Datation: 3 May 2005.
Photo: Janco Schout
Photo: Janco Schout. Datation: 3 May 2005.
Photo: Janco Schout
Photo: Tjalling Roosjen. Datation: 16 November 2010.
Photo: Tjalling Roosjen
Source: Postcard.
Source: Postcard
Photo: G. Meyster. Datation: before 1960.
Photo: G. Meyster
Photo: Tjalling Roosjen. Datation: 16 November 2010.
Photo: Tjalling Roosjen
Photo: Tjalling Roosjen. Datation: 16 November 2010.
Photo: Tjalling Roosjen